So savor the memories

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After that night had ended, the ash blonde took you home, feeling a sense of relief as he knew the words exchanged earlier that day had been true. He was confident in you, and knew things were about to change for the better as he watched you close the front door to your house.

"I can't believe I fell for that idiot..." he whispered to himself with a smile, walking with his hands in his pockets, joy filling his expression.

And you, standing with your back against the front door, unmoving from the position you had been in since you closed the door. The events played through your head, from the start to finish, being so eventful. It was one day you'd never forget, and would never take back. It was precious.

You greeted your dad in the living room before going back to your room, finding sleep hard as your heart was still racing. Eventually your eyes closed, and allowed you to catch sleep.

A week remained until the unexpected break was over, and yet it was only midway into fall now.
The days only seemed to get colder as well, feeling as though droplets of white snow would sprinkle the dry ground soon.
The newly come morning was especially nice though as the sun shone through the thin cloud cover, and little wind blew through the either leaf less or autumn colored branches.

You stood outside on the footsteps of your front porch door, taking a heavy breath through your nose and exhaling, watching as the breath you breathed turned visible. A familiar scented black sweatshirt kept you warm in the weather.

Then the vibration of your phone went off in your pocket.
You took it out with a smile while laying a finger on screen.

"Hey dumbass, I'm stopping by soon. You left something over at my place." - Katsuki
You read the message.

You- "Perfect, don't make any other plans, I don't want to be bored anymore."

You grinned and sighed out as you clicked your phone off. Something about today just felt good.

And what felt like minutes later, you heard your infamous nickname being called, "Dumbass."
You looked up, seeing the ash blonde walking up to you.

"Thanks for going out of your way for me like this." You thanked him.

"This was on my way home, I wouldn't have stopped by otherwise." He argued, holding out a bag.

You took it from his hands, feeling the clothes in the bottom before you chuckled with a breath, closing your eyes, "Hmh, sure."

He averted his attention the ground for a second before looking back to you with narrowed eyes, "I...enjoyed last night. So thanks, idiot."

You adopted a surprised expression, a laugh following soon after, "that looked painful." You joked.
He immediately let out a grunt, "shut up, quit talking like you didn't enjoy it too."
You smirked, "Well if you really want to hear it,  yesterday meant a lot to me too."
He calmed his expression as he heard your last words, pink growing on his cheeks, "Tch, yeah, I'm glad or whatever." He scratched his cheek.

You furrowed your brows with a smile before speaking up, "you got my last message right?"

"Yeah, and I was thinking, that maybe we could go to the port. Sure it's a little far from here, but it's supposed to snow there tonight. We could make it back by midnight if we left soon, so what do say to that, dumbass?" Bakugou asked with averted attention, pink shedding his cheeks.
Your eyes widened at the thought of him taking the initiative to ask you out.
You let a laugh escape your lips before bringing yourself together, "that sounds really nice."

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