This is who

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Quick note: for those wondering where Bakugou's romance is, I have a plan don't worry. If you aren't looking for a long fanfic that proceeds until later seasons in the anime this isn't for you. But Bakugou is coming soon, I'll tell you that.

Days passed by quickly, and eventually the day you dreaded had come.
The provincial hero license exam.
You sat by Midoriya, hoping you would get to talk to him about One for All, but Ururaka, Iida, and Todoroki surrounded you.
As the bus came to a halt, the passengers exited in a line.
You watched the other schools second year students enter the large building in groups.
The class followed Mr. Aizawa as he pointed out another strange first year student. He was strange because he received the highest recommendations to apply for UA high, but declined and went to another school.
You eyed him carefully, until your teacher pulled you aside from the group once you entered the building.
"Y...yes?" You asked confused.
"Recovery Girl wishes to see you after the exam. She told me to tell you your blood work from Dr. Ritsomi came in, and not to worry about the episodes. Go all out. That's all, you can join the others after you change into your hero costume now." Aizawa repeated with his hands in his pockets.
(I had completely forgotten about my appointment with Dr. Ritsomi that day I went with Ahsahi and Recovery Girl. Looks like there's some news) you thought after bowing and walking along to find your classmates.

You stood next to Hagakure in your hero costume, listening to the tired director relay his speech to us.
We had three targets that we could place anywhere on our bodies. Three special balls came with it, and the goal was to hit all targets on three people before all three of yours are hit.
At the end of the speech the tools were distributed and the classes were all scattered on the fake city terrain. Except it wasn't fake at all, it was just like the real thing.

The class of 1A stood back to back as the starting siren erupted.
"We should all stick together, we are worse off separating!" Midoriya exclaimed.
"Screw that. I'm on my own." Bakugou excluded himself. Kirishima followed.
"It's the same for me, I'll do this myself." Todoroki said calmly and jogged away.
You reached out for him before stopping yourself.
(I can't) you thought.
Few seconds later a large earth quake shook underneath us, cracking the earth beneath us.
You flung your arm out forward as you fell, releasing the thread at your finger tips and reaching for the nearest building.
(Damn it!!) you exhaled as your thread didn't reach and you kept falling. You flipped in the air before landing on your feet, surprised it worked and quickly looked for a way out. Finding your classmates was out of question in this situation.
You walked around quietly in the shadows of the cracked ground, hinting behind a large boulder as you saw a person's shadow. Your hand moved automatically to cover your mouth.
You looked around the corner and saw the legs moving towards you.
(It's now or never, they designed this for the students to panic knowing they are on a time limit) you gulped as you released your thread and jumped out. Using your new ultimate attack, iron casket, you surrounded the thread around the person immediately, so fast their face was barely seen.
You pulled them in behind the rock with you.
You caught a glimpse of the unknown girls frustrated face before holding down her arms and legs and releasing your thread.
You grabbed a ball and picked at the target on her waist and back.
As you moved for the last target a ball flew towards her shoulder, hitting the red circle perfectly.
You flinched, not even seeing the person, but more of the attacks were flying at you. This time you created a shield and started running, knowing you just lost your victim.

You ran until you got to a large rock blocking the path, and released your thread up and over the peak of another and propelling yourself out.
You were a metal zone, full of surrounding buildings.

Fire and ice shot from behind the building in front of you.
(Todoroki's quirk) you ran towards it.
Again you were out of sight but could see both Todoroki and the gang of students attacking him.

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