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1st POV:
I hadn't slept well that night to say the least. My eyes felt heavy as I arose from the bottom bunk bed in the girls room. It was still very dark, and it would be hours until the sun rose.
The door creaked when I opened it, trying to escape into the outside.
No other lights were on in the other cabins, but I had the light of the full moon to guide me into the darkness.
The Pussycats had shown us a map of the area, and I remembered seeing a short path from camp that had some open space with a few obstacles.
Several yawns escaped my mouth before I reached the open space.
I stretched and put on my training gloves before I began hitting a wooden dummy that was set up there. My goal was to become strong enough to fight without the help of my quirk. It's ironic because the goal of this camp is too strengthen my quirk.
"It isn't safe for you to be out here alone like this." A voice said from behind.
I turned knowing it was Todoroki.
"How'd you know I was out here? I thought you'd be asleep." I asked him.
"Well, I thought you might do this. I had a hard time sleeping anyways, so I saw you from the window when you left." Todoroki turned his head away as he put his hands in his pockets.
"What made you think I'd do this though?" I laughed a bit.
"You did the same thing when we were at the hospital. It seems you don't sleep well away from home." Todoroki lifted his head towards me.
"Your more observant than most." She sighed
"Let me see your hands." Todoroki approached me.
"Oh I'm fine, the gloves I'm wearing are padded enough to protect the knuckles. So it doesn't hurt when I punch the dummy." I tried reassuring him.
"You can still bruise." Todoroki grabbed my right hand hanging by my side before I could pull away.
My eyes followed him as he took the glove off and examined my hand. He rubbed his index finger across my knuckle, causing me to flinch a bit in dull pain.
"Why didn't you stop when it was hurting?" He looked into my eyes, our faces weren't very far apart.
"Because it makes them tougher, and I get used to the pain." I answered his question quickly, praying he couldn't see the pink on my cheeks.
"You shouldn't be injuring yourself right before the tough part of the training. It's not healthy, and it isn't smart either." His expression was more serious.
"You sound like my dad." I pouted playfully.
He smiled and closed his eyes.
"You sound like a child." He joked along, and then dropped my hand carefully.
A few seconds of silence followed, but it wasn't awkward.
"Why did you follow me out here?" I asked him.
"Mr. Aizawa put me in charge of your safety. What if you just suddenly passed out by yourself out here?" He asked a rhetorical question.
"I didn't think about that." I stood embarrassed.
"Of course you didn't." He tilted his head and yawned with a slight smile.
"Your tired." I said with a guilty voice.
"I would be sleeping if I wasn't out here." He yawned again as he spoke.
"Sorry." I apologized.
"I don't mind since I'm with you." He softened his expression.
I blushed a bit again.
"You could still get about two hours of sleep if you went now." I suggested.
"Then I wouldn't be able to keep watch on you." Todoroki continued.
"I'll be fine." I tried giving him a convincing look.
"Come on. Before you hurt yourself." He said as he turned his body around.
I followed him resistantly.
The camp was visible again thanks to the moonlight.
"Remember when you said you wanted to be like me?" Todoroki suddenly stopped.
I hummed yes as I stopped of few feet in front of him.
"I think your great the way you are." He slid his hands into his pockets as he spoke.
"Thanks?" I even questioned myself.
"Bye." He then finished the conversation as he walked past me and into the boys cabin.
"That was weird." I said to myself before skipping the girls cabins and making my way to the main cabin with the kitchen. There weren't any windows at that cabin, so I wasn't surprised to see the lights on from under the door.
As soon as I walked in my eyes focused on the ash blond boy who was sitting at one of the tables. He turned around quickly.
His lips turned down as he rolled his eyes.
"Why are you awake?" I asked in a questioning tone.
"Because I can be! I could ask you the same thing!" He defended himself quickly, seemingly more agitated than usual.
"Woah..." I said as I poured myself some water and reached for an apple out of the fruit bowl on the table. I placed my water down on the other side of where Bakugou was sitting.
"What are you doing?" The words escaped my mouth.
"None of your business!" He barked at me again.
"What's wrong Bakugou?" I rolled my eyes at him.
"Mind your own damn business!"
"Sorry." My apology didn't seem to work.
"Why are you apologizing?!" He exploded
"Stop yelling, we'll be heard." I spoke in a more calm manner.
His expression changed into a slightly smaller scowl as he looked away from me.
"It fells like I haven't sat with you like this since we were kids." I smiled at him, remembering the times we shared everyday at lunch when we were younger.
"Yeah well we aren't kids anymore." He continued his eternal rampage on the world with a mean voice.
"What's up with you? It seems like we've somehow become worse friends than before. You stopped stalking me." I chuckled, trying to get him to lighten up.
"Shut up already." His eyes looked sad as he said this. His words seemed more true as well.
"Bakugou...what's wrong? Just tell me." My voice became more worrisome.
"You idiot." He clenched his teeth and stood up before walking out of the cabin.
"What the heck is up with these boys?" I asked myself before eating and cleaning up.
I went back to the girls cabin and before long I would be going through some of the toughest training of my life.

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