Can save others

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You woke up again for training with AllMight and Midoriya before parting with them to see your family.
It was a little later than 8:00 am when you finally arrived to your home.
"Dad!" You exclaimed as you opened the door and hugged him. It felt like it had been forever, things had gotten so busy that you hadn't had time to visit.
"Yuan, I missed you so much. It's weird now that it's only your brother and me." He hugged you back.
"I'm glad your not overworking yourself now, me moving out forced you to stay more and relax." You laughed as you let go. You had plenty of money saved up, but your dad always just wanted to work when he didn't have to.
"Rin is playing in his room, he'll be excited to see you." Your dad smiled as you ascended the staircase.

"Hey buddy." You said as you knocked on the door. It immediately flew open and in a blink the boy when attaching to your legs.
"Your home!" He jumped up and down.
"Yup, you excited to see the school festival?" You asked.
"Super excited! I'm gonna see all these awesome heros!" He shot an arm up in the air, AllMights signature pose.
"Let's get going, we don't want to be late." You took his hand and went downstairs before telling your dad goodbye and taking off.
"So Rin, there is a girl your age. She's shy and quiet, but you should try to make friends with her. I'm sure you could have a lot of fun." You told him.
He only got more excited.

As you arrived, Rin was astounded by all of the stands. You waited at the entrance of UA to meet Mirio as planned.
"Where's Midoriya?" You asked once you met Mirio.
"I thought he was with you." Mirio said, Eri was hiding behind his back again.
"Huh, I guess he's with my class. Well anyway ,Rin, this is Mirio. He will be playing with you today. And Mirio, this is Rin, say hi buddy." You pushed his back towards Mirio.
"You look really strong, are you a hero?" Rin asked with excitement.
"Yep I'm Lemillion, training my hardest to be the strongest." Mirio put his fist out.
"That's so cool, I wanna be a hero too!" Rin exclaimed and peeked his head around Mirio's legs.
"This is Eri, wanna introduce yourself." Mirio gave Rin a thumbs up.
The little boy nodded.
"Hi, I'm Rin L/n but you can just call me Rin-kun. Can I call you Eri- Chan?"
Light pink struck Eri's face, showing that she was nervous but seemingly excited.
Eri came out from Mirio's legs a little, and proceeded to nod yes.
"Then let's have lots of fun today!" Rin titled his head and smiled sweetly.
"Mmm yeah." She said quietly but shyly.
"Alright then, I'm gonna leave you with Mirio so I can go get ready for our performance. I'll see you after, and Todoroki is here if you wanna see him." He pet Rin's head.
"Okay big sister." The boy smiled.
"Thanks Mirio, and have fun Eri." You smiled at the girl.
"I'll try." Eri spoke.
Ending on that note, you went to join your class in the auditorium behind the closed curtains.
"Have you seen Midoriya, he still hasn't come back to get rope yet." Ururaka asked.
"No sorry, I haven't seen him since 7:45." You answered.
She nodded as you continued to set up the microphones Jirou gave you.
"We start in ten minutes where is he?" Iida put his hands on his hips.
"I'm getting worried." Todoroki added as he began helping you plug in the microphone to its holder.
"Yeah, if he doesn't get here soon we'll have to start without him and have someone else carry Aoyama around. Thanks for the help." You spoke back.

"I still haven't heard you sing yet since we were in separate groups." He smiled at you.
"Don't get your hopes up, I'm not as good as Jirou." You scratched your cheek.
He looked at you, a soft smile still on his face as he sighed out.
He was used to your humbleness.
"Honestly I'm just kinda embarrassed I'm the only one on stage without an instrument."
"I don't think that's embarrassing." He told you.
"Yeah?" You chuckled.
"Everyone is working their hardest, that means their role is just as important even without an instrument." He continued.
You smiled to yourself at how much Todoroki had changed. He was very kind now, oblivious, but kind. He was trying harder than anyone to change his attitude.
"Your right." You admitted.
"Props group get in places. Its about to start, we can only hope for Midoriya at this point!" Iida announced.
"Good luck." Todoroki said as he walked up the ladder with the rest of the special effects people.

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