Becuase time passes by

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You left the port earlier than expected as the snow stopped and clouds moved past. The sky became clear once again, allowing you to now walk the snow sprinkled beach under the stars.
You could see the lights of the port from your placement on the beach, causing the stars in the sky to become more dull.

As you walked with your hands in your pockets you listened to the familiar sound of crashing waves.
Still, a comfortable silence between you and the ash blonde lingered.
"Where do you think we will end up after we graduate from UA?" You questioned the boy, who brushed your shoulders together as he walked by you.
He looked at you, slightly puzzled, "heroes, dumbass."

"Well, I mean where as in the different paths everyone is taking, some of us could end up in the Americas while some of us stay here in town. They're just so many possibilities. But it leaves me questioning, what is your goal after that? After becoming the number one hero, what comes after for you? And I, I don't even know what my plan is yet, so I don't even know what to do." You more so rambled.

The ash blonde sighed out as he stopped walking.
You turned your head, now turning to face him as the moon lit ocean stood in the background.

"Who cares about all that? It's not like we have to know where we want to go now, we have a lot of time. And when that time does come when we decide, I have no doubt both of us will be successful, damn nerd. But right now all that matters to me is you, in this very moment. I don't want to think...I'll just let my instincts carry me." The boy spoke, walking close to you and taking a strand of your hair onto his finger.

"I don't give a damn about what happens next." He whispered, moving from your ear and trailing his lips down to your neck, landing soft kisses up to your bottom chin.

You adopted a smile, closing your eyes as the ash blonde picked up his head to look at you, "fair enough, Katsuki." You spoke, now narrowing your eyes to him.

He leaned in once more, aiming for your lips this time as he pulled you in by your waist.
This kiss being even softer than before, he separated slowly

Bakugou let his forehead fall against your own, taking a hand and placing it on the back of your head as he shifted his body against you. "Dumbass, whatever happens, I know that it's gonna work out."

"Sure, hothead." you muttered with closed eyes and a smile, letting the ocean waves music play behind you while your body leaned against the boy.

The night came to a fine close as you stayed with the boy on the beach until your time was up. From that point on, you slept against the boys chest on the speed train home. His heartbeat acted as a lullaby. And then you found the comfort of your bed when arriving home, and happy dreams caught you.

However, little did you know how things would change soon enough.

In an instant, your early winter break had vanished, and life back at the dorms became normal again. Almost too quickly, weeks and weeks of school pilled on top of another. School affairs had taken up all of your time as classes became harder due to certain changes in classes.

Eventually, the ash blonde had admitted to the prying boys that the two of you were together. It came to no surprise to Kirishima, as Bakugou often talked about you. Though the ash blonde made sure to end every topic about you with "what a dumbass", Kirishima knew that it was strange for him to talk so much about one person.

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