To be

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That day ended differently than most. You would be going back to class today alongside Midoriya, and were on the way to your first class for Mr.Aizawa.
"Now that Yuan and Midoriya are back, I can go deeper into the work studies entail. Go ahead and come in." Your home room spoke to you all.
The door slid open, and three third years entered.
"You might know them as the big three, they are the top students at this school." He finished.
"Heyyyyy, we will be explaining work studies and our personal experiences. Woahhh, Iida, are those engines your legs, and Ashido do your horns grow back if they break..." the girl named Nejire Hado bounced around the classroom.
"Get a grip." Mr. Aizawa shot a glance at the tall blond one. Mirio Togata.
"Don't worry Mr. Aizawa I'll pull them in." Mirio began and then spat out a joke that nobody laughed at.
"Hmm, since you don't seem to be very lively or funny, let's..."
"Don't do it Mirio." Amajiki said with his forehead against the wall.
"Fight!" Mirio finished.
The class groaned together.
"Do as you please." Mr. Aizawa gave the okay.
And before you knew it, you were standing in gym GAMMA, about to take Mirio on all at once.

"Come at me, whose first?" Mirio exclaimed.
"Bring it on!" Kirishima buffed up.
"No I'll do it." Midoriya stood in front.
"You stole my thunder." Kirishima whined.
As Midoriya charged up he immediately went and through an attack right through Mirio's head. But it passed through.
"I guess his quirk is to let things pass through his body. That means physical attacks won't work!" You exclaimed so your classmates would hear.
"Wrong again!" Mirio cheered before his clothing fell off.
All the girls shut their eyes.
(That is gross!) you thought.
When you opened again, the third year wasn't standing in front of you.
"Where did he go?" Iida asked.
Suddenly he popped out of the ground and several punches were landed on your friends stomachs, immobilizing them immediately.
"Watch your back he will attack from behind!" Midoriya yelled as he disappeared again.
All of the long range fighters were taken out first, which meant you were next. Close combat wasn't your style.
"Hold on we have to place timed attacks, he wouldn't be able to hit us if he let things pass through all the time!" Momo informed us.
"Sero, we can use our quirks to surround him! That way he can't hit us without slipping through where everyone else can be ready to attack!" You looked at the guy with a similar quirk.
"Got it!" He responded, but in the blink of an eye Sero was down and Mirio stood in front you, arm cocked and ready to strike.
Quickly you formed a cushion of thread around your front body, stopping his hand with your thread.
"Interesting, nice counter!" He complimented, but then he disappeared beneath the floor again.
"Midoriya, punch the ground with power! Everyone back away!" You instructed him.
He agreed and punched the concrete ground as your classmates backed up.
(He will have to go through cracked ground when he disables his quirk.)
Mirio didn't come up for a while.
"Where'd he go?" Midoriya wondered.
And right on cue Mirio popped up and took out Midoriya from behind.
Along with the rest and then you. Your stomach felt caved in from his punch.
You spit out as you stood up, and everyone was dismissed.
The end of the day came quickly, and you walked beside Midoriya on the way to the dorm rooms.
It had been such a short amount of time, but he was already beginning to feel like a brother to you.

You opened the door and Bakugou was already screaming at everyone to bring him their trash.
"Yuan, trash now!" He yelled.
"I already took mine out this morning I don't have any." You called back.
People surrounded him with their junk.
As you headed to go to the elevator, you heard your name.
"Yuan you owe me so take this trash!" He yelled at you with a pointed finger. All of the eyes of the people surrounding him looked at you too.
"What I don't owe you anything!" You shot back.
"Don't owe anything my ass! After you..." You knew exactly what he was about to say.
"Fine!" You yelled trying to stop his sentence there.
You stormed over to him and grabbed a few bags of trash.
"She can't carry that on her own man you should help her out Bakugou." Kirishima put his hands on his hips.
"Hell no!"
"Yeah that's kinda mean." Kaminari added.
"I would never treat a girl that way." Mineta smirked.
"Oh shut up!" Bakugou irrupted.
"Your a jerk sometimes Bakugou." Jiro then said.
You started laughing, "karma much?"
"I'll help." Todoroki came in and walked into the circle before grabbing the extra bags of trash.
"Really you don't have to, besides I did have this punishment myself just yesterday. It's fine I can do it on my own." You told Todoroki.
"I don't mind." He started walking.
"Thanks then." You smiled.
"At least we have Todoroki to make up for Bakugou."  Mina laughed.
"Okay give him a break. Bakugou is just like that." You tried defending him. You would let his rudeness slide for now because of his recent unstable mental state.
"Are you coming?" Todoroki asked from his place near the door.
You nodded and shuffled over.
As you closed the door with your foot you caught up with Todoroki.
"You shouldn't let him push you around like that." He suddenly said.
"I know, it's just I feel kinda bad. Haven't you noticed he's been kinda down lately?" You asked.
"It's still no excuse to treat you that way. It's repulsive." He admitted bluntly.
"Your right." You sighed.
"Your always so kind, even when your treated unkindly. I admire that, it's something I'm not very good at." He looked at you as you walked together in the dark.
"Well, I guess it's because that's how my father is as well. I learned it from him." You smiled genuinely thinking about how hard your father works to help others, even when he's hurting.
"I wasn't very kind to you when I first met you. It's still something I think about, it still frustrates me how clouded my mind was." He watched the ground carefully.
"Yeah, I'm not gonna lie you weren't the most pleasant person to be around." You sweat dropped.
His head fell even farther.
"But I really enjoy being with you now. You actually talk to me, and I look forward to spending time with you." You spoke in the moment and the embarrassment caught up quickly.
He raised his head and his expression clearly showed how surprised he was. Pink covered them.
He looked the other direction.
"Well I mean I enjoy spending time with everyone. I honestly don't think I could hope for a better class." You smiled as you reached the garbage shoot.
You dropped all the heavy bags and lifted one up into the shoot.
You finished up and headed back with Todoroki.
"I think it's funny, how you said your not good at being kind. But, you helped me carry the trash so I wouldn't be doing it by myself." You elbowed him.
"I was still being selfish though, I wanted to be with you. Even if it was only this." Todoroki looked down.
You looked away immediately not wanting to show your face.
(Does he even know what he just admitted?!you internally freaked out.
You didn't say anything.
"I'm sorry did I somehow offend you?" He asked with concern in his voice.
"No not at all!" You waved your hands and reassured him.
He nodded.
(I feel different around him)
"I'm glad I met you." You looked down, hiding your hot face.
As you looked up he was staring at you. His face was calm and delicate, placed in a soft smile. Your heart beat increased as you locked eyes for seconds that felt like eternity.
He broke it and looked forward.
(I feel free, when I'm with you.) you wanted to tell him.

Bakugou x reader x Todoroki: The Best for HerWhere stories live. Discover now