In an instant

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You landed a fisted hand into the shoulder of the green haired Midoriya, putting power behind your hit and causing the boy to hit the ground.
Blood trailed his wetted lips as he looked at you with a glare that froze you in your tracks.
He wasn't going to loose.

Midoriya jumped back up, staring you down with clenched teeth as he threw his leg with a swing towards your side.

Your eyes widened as time seemed to slow, (I don't have enough time, block it) you told yourself in your mind, crouching down and putting your arm in an x shape.

Immediately, the leg revved up with the power of One for All, hit you straight in your block.

Pain filled your arms, your back, as you went flying backwards and hit a tree. Bark shredded, marking the place you hit while you fell to the ground with frustration filling your glance, looking at the boy with passion.
"Heh, I'm not loosing either." You wiped the side of your mouth and got up off the ground.

But again, you froze. He locked himself in a stance, his middle finger cocked back and held by his thumb as his other arm held for support.

(Air bullet) you thought with worry. (I can't block this, so dodge) you released your thread, aiming it around a tree and swinging away, barely missing his shot as the air behind his finger launched.

And in quick motion you launched yourself feet first off the tree using your thread, and towards Midoriya this time.

You smirked as you increasingly got closer, flying through the air and watching his eyes open wider, you went for the kick to his stomach.

He couldn't do anything now, you were too close and too fast.

Your shoe indented into the boys white shirt, crunching his stomach and sending him flying back.

He hit the ground at AllMight's feet.
"That's enough for today." AllMight called.
Bakugou stood close beside him, clenching his teeth with a disgusted face as he looked down at Midoriya.

"Wait I can still fight!" Midoriya argued.

You relaxed your stance into a standing position, breathing heavily and sweat dripping down your face.

"Young Midoriya, though I finally allowed you to fight against Yuan today like you have been asking, I cannot risk any injury. We are technically not allowed to be doing this, and besides, you want to be in good shape for your New Years party tonight. Ha Ha." He gave a thumbs up, attempting his powered form, but it still looked weird even for the few seconds he did it.

Midoriya sighed, picking himself off the ground and looking back to you, "that was a powerful kick Yuan! I'm really...surprised at how strong that was." He took a pause to breathe, smiling at you.

"Yes your close combat has improved tremendously in the past weeks we've been training, with young Bakugou here helping out your improving much faster as well. Good work. And too you too young Bakugou." AllMight complimented you both while you all started walking to the dorms.

You smiled.

"Don't flatter me like I'm the only one who helped her get better. She did that on her own, even though she's a dumbass, she isn't weak at all." Bakugou looked away with a slight pinkness to his color.
"I'm still way stronger though." He finished it off.

"Well I was going to give you something special for that compliment just then, but eh, I don't really feel like it now." You shrugged your shoulders as you walked past the ash blonde.

He looked back with widened eyes, his teeth clenched as he then narrowed them, "damn it." He glared at you as he whispered those words to himself.

Bakugou x reader x Todoroki: The Best for HerWhere stories live. Discover now