Because little is gained

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"I want your body."
His deep crimson eyes held a feeling that pierced through you, making your heart pump louder, harder, and faster.
The way he tilted his head captivated you, allowing you no freedom to move on your own.
Breath was stolen from you as your body began to tingle with a feeling deep inside your stomach.
"So pay me back."
He left his lips parted as he leaned in closer, eyeing your lips as he did so. His hand reached up behind your ear, trailing across your skin before he played with the strands of hair between his fingers.

You smiled with a smart look as you gave him a side glance, "that's not the way to get my attention. I'm not going to give you what you want when you act as shallow as that..." you paused as he backed away.
"Cause I know that's not really you." You finished your sentence before you turned around and began walking down the trail towards where you started.
First you stopped in your tracks, "Right? Katsuki?" You turned around to look at him.
He looked at you before closing his eyes and sliding his hands into his pockets, "Tch," he smirked, "whatever dumbass, let's go." He followed.

A few more hours were spent at the rock wall that you promised. Bakugou was hiding his excitement, even though it was one of his favorite activities, even if it wasn't really mountain climbing, it was similar and required the same core strength.
The way home on the speed train felt quicker compared to the way there. However, the time was relatively late and the sun was going down quicker and quicker as fall progressed into winter.
The sun had already set by the time you had made it out of the train station.
"It's gonna be past dark by the time we make it to your house." You told the ash blonde, who was walking slightly in front of you, but really beside.
He glanced at you, allowing you to look at one crimson eye, a light grew brighter.
"Just stay at my house dumbass." He looked forward so you couldn't see his face.
You paused for second and looked at him with a confused yet surprised expression, "why, I can just walk home."
"Tch, your not gonna do that idiot. Last time you almost got yourself kidnapped." His hands plumped soundly into his pockets, you saw him shiver though.
"Why not walk me home if your so worried then?" You asked with curiously.
"I can't." He denied.
"Why?" You pried with skepticism.
"Ergh, I just can't alright." He said again.
"What's the problem with it, you've walked me plenty of times already?" You raised both eyebrows in question.
A tik mark appeared on his forehead, "I wouldn't be able to protect you dumbass, if something was to happen." He spoke in a reserved manner.
"What are you even talking about? Your plenty strong." Concern slipped into your voice.
"How could someone like you be so dense damn nerd? How long was it going to take for you to notice my entire costume change, didn't that give you any ideas?" He asked as if it was obvious.
"Haha, I guess I didn't." You held the back of your head and laughed.
"But what does that have to do with anything?" You then asked once getting back on topic.
"Psh, I'm...I'm not as strong when it's cold like this dumbass. Especially now that... nevermind." He looked away.
"Oh, I think I understand. Your quirk isn't as capable in colder climates since you don't produce as much sweat. Your explosions are less powerful." You finally realized.
"Tch." He clenched his teeth.
It was obviously sensitive for him, he was probably ashamed.
"I doubt though, with how capable you are even without your quirk, that you wouldn't be able to come out of top. It's because you work so hard." You smiled at him, knowing a compliment would fix his insecurities at the moment.
He raised his head, adopting a more normal expression.
"Your extreme stubbornness probably helps to." You couldn't let him get to cocky.
"Hah." He breathed out sarcastically.
You gave a side glance and smiled before looking away.
"Tsk," he clicked his tongue, "we have a guest room directly next to mine." He suggested.
"It's yours... anytime you want it." He said a bit more quietly while scratching the back of his head.
You raised your eyebrows, pink brushing over your cheeks, "well I'll take that offer then."

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