And changes define

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After we had done quirk testing that day after school I immediately started walking to the preschool my little brother Rin went to so I could take him home. As I walked through the front door of the small building kids could be seen playing on the puzzle mat carpet. Rin immediately screamed my name and came running up to me. His hair color the same hair as mine ruffled from my hand. His tiny hands grabbed my own.
"C'mon Rin lets go." I smiled at him.
"Can we please go to the park?" Rin asked with pleading eyes.
"Sure why not." I couldn't resist his eyes
After I signed him out I waved goodbye and Rin skipped out of the small structure.
After a few minutes we came across the cross walk to the park. Rin pressed the button.
"Woah Rin stop!!!!!" I yelled as he ran across the cross walk with a speeding car going strait for him. Why couldn't I move?
Suddenly a wave of ice moved between Rin and the car and the cars tires froze saving Rin just in time.
I dropped to my knees and a tear ran down my cheek, as my eyes saw the toddler being picked up and carried to me.
"Rin." I whisper as the boy looked at me with confusion when put down.
"What's wrong sis?" He asked as if nothing had happened.
"Your so cool mister, you were like whoosh and wam..." Rin jumped up and down completely forgetting about the question he asked.


"Yuan, hey are you alright?" His hand was reached out for me. I grabbed it pulling myself up and hugged him in a fast motion without thinking.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Todoroki I wasn't..."
"No it's okay." He interrupted obviously uncomfortable.
"Rin how could just run out like that you could've died!!!" I started going off on the boy, "why did you do that with the car coming?!"
"What there was a car? Your my hero mister!" He grabbed Todorokis hand and shook it wildly.
Todoroki smiled slightly, and I laughed a bit to myself.
"What?" Todoroki asked me
"Nothing." You answered as looked down at Rin again.
"Thank you so much Todoroki, I don't know why I just stood there. Sorry for the trouble." I looked down at Rin eyeing him.
"I'm glad he isn't hurt." Todoroki said.
"Sis sis, can he come over for dinner. That would be so cool. We could tell dad the entire story about how he saved me." Rin Then took my hand.
"I'm not really sure Todoroki would..."
"Noooooo pleaseeeeeee Yuan?" Rin had one hand attached to mine and the other Todoroki.
I looked up at Todoroki with an apologetic smile.
"What do you say." I asked
He looked down at Rin then back up at me hesitantly.
"Can we still go to the park?" Rin cried out pulling on my hand.
"Nope." I crossed my arms and looked away avoiding his eyes.
Rin started jumping up and down "No no noooo."
"You were bad, and your somehow getting what you want, so you don't get this too." I scolded him and he gave me an exaggerated pout. We began a silent walk to my house.
Rin was skipping in front of Todoroki and I.

"Hey I'm sorry, I know this isn't the ideal way you would want to spend your time." I broke the silence
Todoroki nodded, "it's fine."
" you don't talk much do you?" I chuckled softly
He looked at me from the side of his eyes and said nothing.
" thanks for leading us home Rin." I smiled as we arrived at the gate of the two story house opening it so Rin could walk in.
Todoroki walked through and I closed the gate and creaked the door open slowly to see if dad was home. For some reason the door wasn't locked like usual.
"Rin go get changed into clean clothes for me won't you?" I smiled patting his head.
"Okay big sis." He skipped to his bedroom as I placed my coat and bag on the hook next to the door. A confused look took over my face as I placed my keys down on the small table underneath the hooks. No noises, no news on, unlocked doors, the lights aren't off, what's going on. Usually dad isn't home from the hospital shift at this time. It's only 5:27. But why isn't the tv on if he is?
"Make yourself at home, I'll be right back. You can go wherever the kitchen is through that doorway to your right if you need anything." I turned to Todoroki and started up the stairway.

This is too weird.
Something isn't right.

My hand slid up the railing, then sliding off as I reached the top floor. I stopped and viewed the lit up hall then kept on, now passing the guest bedroom, then Rin's, then finally my dads. I knocked.
No response
I cracked it open.
Not here huh?

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