Alone isnt enough to become

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My heart skipped a beat as Midoriya's location popped up on my phone.
He found the hero killer.
I swallowed the lump in my throat and began running towards Midoriya. The alley he was in wasn't far and would take less than a minute.

I slid and dashed towards Midoriya when I saw him. There he was. The hero killer. Standing in front us, and looking absolutely pleased.
"So you brought your friend. Let's see if you are worthy." Stain said as he approached us slowly.
"Midoriya, hold him off for now. I'm taking Iida and the pro somewhere safer." I said and simultaneously picked Iida up with my thread.
"Stop it. This is my fight so go!" Lida yelled out of rage.
"Iida dont be stupid! I know that killer attacked your brother but you can't fight! You have friends to support you." I looked at him with eager eyes.
"I don't care! Leave me here! For my brothers sake!" Tears flowed from his eyes.
A tick mark appeared on my forehead.
"Fine, I get it. I'll let you watch, but the second something touches you I'm getting you out of here." I sat him against the wall because he was unable to move on his own. He was far enough away to be unaffected by the fight between Midoriya and the hero killer.
I immediately rushed to the hero Native who looked severely injured.
His arm was bleeding badly and quickly. I broke off the tip of the arrowhead from his weapon and ripped the pant leg of my costume into a tourniquet and tied it tight around his upper elbow to cut of circulation and stop the bleeding.
I had to choose either to help Midoriya or get Native to a hospital.
*I can't risk leaving Midoriya and Lida to die if something goes wrong, but Native could die if not treated soon.*
I layed him next to Iida for the time being while I came up with a plan.
"Hey hero killer!" I shouted and interrupted the fight between the two that wasn't going anywhere.
"Names Stain." He said.
"Your quirk looks like it's activated when you taste the opponent's blood. They are paralyzed after that, but would your quirk backfire on you if you tasted your own blood?" I asked trying to stall and get information at the same time.
"Why would I tell you that?" He stared me down.
"Information in valuable.", I began, "So let's just say if you taste your own blood you would also become paralyzed. Is there a way for you to deactivate your quirk, but that would also free anyone else who you paralyzed?" I asked.
"My quirk has requirements to meet before Its activated, that's obvious, but you already knew that. You seem smart, but tell me why would you do something so dumb."
"W...what?" I stuttered.
"You've been trembling the entire time we have spoken. Your afraid, and weak. Your not worthy. Especially if I noticed that you were creating something with your quirk and inching it all the way over to me. That, was stupid." He smirked and I felt a blade pierce the side of my cheek. My eyes widened as I felt the blood.
*what!? But how? I didn't even see him move!*
"This is the only way to clean out the garbage." Stain scowled.
"Are you okay Yuan?" Midoriya asked me with a serious tone while not taking his eyes off Stain.
"I'm fine, go ahead." I said as I wiped the blood off my cheek.
"I'm only here to help my friends,and you hurt them." Midoriya clenched his fists, "and that frustrates me more than anything." Midoriya moved so suddenly,bouncing off the brick wall with power I'd never seen him use, yet it felt so familiar.
*how can he just charge him like that without any hesitation?! Stop thinking like that Yuan, focus on supporting Midoriya!*
Midoriya was suddenly behind Stain and I position to throw a punch, but as I blinked Stain was gone.
*behind me* I thought and quickly ejected my thread to the roof and pulled myself up to escape.
(Midoriya this is useless. We can't beat him and we are no good dead!) that's what I wanted to say.
*Crap he wasn't going after me he was going to Lida!*
I panicked and aimed my thread at Stain's several weapons to grab them and disarm him before he stabbed Iida.
"Go Midoriya!" I yelled as I pulled most of Stain's weapons from him, but he still had his katana at hand.
Midoriya then smashed into Stain, throwing him away from Iida.
Midoriya hit the ground and rolled up onto his feet, but was holding his arm.
"Thanks." Stain said with hatred in his voice.
He licked the blood from the katana and Midoriya's eyes widened as he fell to the ground.
My heart raced.
Stain then picked up a knife up from the ground that I hadn't seen.
Time moved slower when I realized that was the knife he had scratched me with, but I didn't have enough time to catch myself from leaning over the edge of the roof as he licked the dirtied metal. I heard my hand unclench and drop the knives, along with the sound of the air whirling as I fell from the roof.
Suddenly a gust of fire. And a catch.
I couldn't feel my body hit the hard ground, but instead land heavy in Todoroki's arms. He grunted as he caught me and set my down against the wall.
"Your using your fire!" I exclaimed in surprise.
"Yeah." He responded calmly.
I felt only shame. For not being strong enough, brave enough, for holding myself back as I watched somebody not only save me, but save the friends I was trying to protect.
"I knew something was wrong when Midoriya sent his location, he's not the type to do that without more details. But don't worry, the pros will be here any minute." Todoroki spoke to me with high alert for Stain.
"Don't let him taste your blood." I told him.
"Got it.", Todoroki averted his attention to Stain, "Your days of killing are over, hero killer."

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