And in the end

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"Hey!" You waved to your classmates congregated at the entrance.

"Hey!" You waved to your classmates congregated at the entrance

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Bakugou walked beside you with a glare.

"You two are late." Iida griped immediately as he waved his hands.
The ash blonde gritted his teeth as a tik mark appeared on his forehead.
"It's only four minutes, it's no biggy." Ururaka chimmed in.
"Well I suppose your right, we are glad to see you. Let's continue." Iida instructed.
You sweat dropped as you looked over to Bakugou, giving him a reassuring glance, hoping to change his already exasperated mood.
He looked back at you, loosening his glare into a calmer expression before looking forward and following the class alongside you.

As you followed, you glanced over the lot, taking notice to Todoroki.
Just as you set your eyes on his flowing hair, his head began to turn, looking back at you with a smile as he closed his eyes kindly.
You gave a smile back before he looked forward again.

Suddenly, skin touched against yours, allowing fingers to intertwine with your hand.
Bakugou looked over at you with furrowed brows, insecurities lying behind his direct glance as he grabbed your hand.
You quickly replaced your surprised expression with a laugh, "Calm down, don't be so over possessive. There isn't a need." You chuckled, thinking it was kinda cute.
"Tch." Bakugou sounded, beginning to let go of your hand.

You looked forward when you noticed the class had stopped.
"Alright everyone, we shall split up into groups based on the desirable location on this map." Iida pushed up his glasses as he flipped the map in his hand, "Keep in groups of at least three for safety and if anyone is to get lost for any reason we shall all meet here."
"Ay this isn't a field trip let's just have some fun Iida." Kaminari put his hands on his hips as he gave a suggestion.
"Yeah let's just go with the flow, I know I wanna hit the roller coasters." Sero added.
"Same here man, you in Bakugou?" Kirishima began, now looking at the ash blonde.
The boy slid his hands into his pockets, "Psh, who wouldn't be? Just make sure your not too scared." He smirked.
"Your on my man." Kirishima grinned back.
"Alright then it's settled, whoever wants to go to the large roller coasters shall go with them." Iida started.
Agreeing with the large roller coasters choice, a few of you flocked with Bakugou's group, including you.

Moments later, the entire class was split up into groups and going off in separate directions.

You walked between Kirishima and Mina, Bakugou being on the other side of Kirishima.
Immediately, you went towards the rides.

You noticed the sun change directions above, the day passing by quickly with every roller coaster.

The sky was beginning to hint an orange glow as the cool winter breeze settled in nicely. With a scarf rapped around your neck and your hands in your sweatshirt pocket, you exhaled a visible breath with a smile as you walked beside your classmates.
"Look, it's Todoroki." Mina pointed and exclaimed as you walked through the crowd that had become smaller due to the time and chilly weather.
Bakugou shot a glare as you approached him.
"Hey man,why are you by yourself?" Kirishima asked.
"I got separated from the others." Todoroki answered simply.
"How did you manage to do that?" Sero wondered.
"I am unfamiliar with this location, it's not something I'm used to experiencing." Todoroki looked at the floor, looking confused.
(He's never been here before either.) you sweat dropped at the thought.
"Well we were just about to start looking around, you can hang with us." Kirishima smiled.
"Yeah, thanks." Todoroki nodded.
"I guess your with us now." Kaminari spoke up.
"Oh oh oh, guys, we should go to the Ferris wheel for the sunset. That would be amazing right?!" Mina exclaimed.
You raised your eyebrows, "yeah that would be super pretty, we will get a view of the entire city, and probably the beach too."
"Yeah let's do it." Kaminari added.

Bakugou x reader x Todoroki: The Best for HerWhere stories live. Discover now