I want

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The bushes disappeared as you followed them farther into ground beta. It caused you to get as close as you could hiding beside one of the many buildings.
You could barely understand their words.
"This is where we fought for the first time. When you first showed me your real power." Bakugou looked down, a shadow covering his eyes.
"Kacchan I don't understand..."
"I've done some thinking. That power of yours is AllMights isn't it?...the fact that your not denying it must mean I'm right." The ask blond continued.
"What if it's true?" Midoriya said confidently.
(No Midoriya, you're practically telling him) you worried.
"Why you, ever since we were kids we both looked up to AllMight but why did he choose you huh? I was always stronger than you, and I still don't get it. So let's settle this now. You'll get hurt if you don't punch back, but nowadays you kick don't you?" Bakugou looked up and titled his head after spreading his feet.
"Listen we can't fight. We aren't even supposed to be here!" Midoriya backed up.
"I don't get it!" Bakugou's palms irrupted with blasts. His arm swung at the shorter boy.
You watched as Midoriya jumped out of the way and Bakugou kept going after him.
A misfired blast suddenly was shot in your direction.
You covered your face and ducked down, the heat tickled your cold face heating it just enough to be uncomfortable.
You coughed out into your sleeve and opened your ash filled eyes.
Bakugou was on the ground, breathing heavy.
(Why can't I move?) you wondered in panic, you needed to do something.
"Kacchan, are you alright?" Midoriya offered his hand and Bakugou hit it away violently.
"Don't you dare worry about me. Why have I suddenly had to chase after someone who was always so far behind me?! How did someone so weak became so strong and become the number one hero's sidekick? His favorite! And I was the one who destroyed AllMight! I admired him so much, but it's because of me that he ended up loosing his power! If I had been stronger if I hadn't been kidnapped by villains that never would have happened. AllMight knows it was my fault but hasn't said anything. I can't get it out of my head, it's like it's constantly playing on loop! So what am I supposed to do?!" He cried out.
Your heart beat started in your head, hitting harder and harder. You and Midoriya were the only ones who knew how he felt. But you understood it on another level.
But you knew stopping the fight wouldn't help them.
You watched as Midoriya stood up straight, "if we are gonna do this, I'm going all out!"

And suddenly the entire mood had changed, just like that.
Midoriya was in the air, and Bakugou was right there inches away ready to send all his power into his attack.
But Midoriya dodges barely, and in just one blink Midoriya was in the air again.
Your eyes widened as you realized what would happen next.
One hit to the stomach and the body was sent to the wall.
Bakugou gave no time and kept attacking, until Midoriya peeled himself from the wall hit Bakugou into a railing.
"This has got to stop." You whispered to yourself.
"You think your so much better than me! You always have and now with this new power you think you can beat me! But you won't Deku!" Bakugou held his chest.
"Think about it Kacchan. If I looked down on you I wouldn't have kept coming back. AllMight was my hero but you were the one in my life! You've always had everything going for you and I had nothing!" Midoriya had lost his cool, his body now reacting on it's own. The fate of the battle had changed, and the outcome was decided then.
Midoriya was faster than before, and more powerful than even him. The one you had always chased after, just like Midoriya had been.

In split seconds Midoriya yet again was in the air, and was launching his first attack with his fist at full power.
Miroriya couldn't stop. His fist was already ingrained in the boys face. Bakugou's face then tightened and he grabbed Midoriya's shirt and sent him into the ground with his blasts.
You couldn't hold yourself back anymore.
Bakugou was now blasting his way back down, about to launch another attack at Midoriya.
Your body moved, your feet propelled you off the ground. It felt different, energized.
"Katsuki!" You yelled as you jumped into the air and grabbed Bakugou.
The force of your own strength hit him hard and sent the two of you flying into the side of the building.
Your legs hurt more than anything, more than your slightly burnt skin from Bakugou's blast.
Your arms encircled his waist with tight grip as your momentum ended and you fell with him.
Tears cascaded your face, emotional and physical pain.
Your arms fell off the blond as he struggled to lift his body. Blood dripped from his mouth.
Suddenly his arms and legs wouldn't hold him and he fell back down next to you.
"What the hell was that?" He said with weak volume.
"Heh, I don't know." You coughed.
Yuan!" Midoriya exclaimed, he was weak as well. He stumbled over to you and kneeled beside you.
"Your legs." He looked down at you, face completed with fear.
You laid on your back, and pushed yourself up into a sitting position with your arms.
Your eyes widened as you saw your body.
"They look like how your arms used to look." You struggled to say.
"Why the hell would you do that?" Bakugou breathed out to you as he picked himself up again. He was standing now, it was like he didn't even see your condition.
"That's enough!" You heard from the distance.
All three of you looked at the number one hero.
"AllMight?!" Midoriya questioned.
"I'm sorry, I was here from the beginning." He apologized.
"Why did you pick him?" Bakugou ignored.
"It was obvious you were strong. I knew that, but I also noticed the spirit in young Midoriya, who had nothing. I wanted to give him a chance. And you need to know I was always going to loose my power. It wasn't your fault." AllMight looked at him with desperate eyes.
"Then why does she have it too?" Bakugou pointed at you.
Your eyes winded along with Midoriya's.
"I guess I should tell you now, all of you. Yuan, its confirmed you are related to Shigaraki, along with my master who also had this power. It seems it was passed along to you by your mother before she was killed. We believe she also had the power of One for All, along with her grandmother. I believe One for All was passed down within the Shimura family, but then my master changed that and passed it to me instead of her family. We believe that it transformed into the gene that skipped the first generation and onto your mother. But it still doesn't explain why it didn't skip another generation and was passed to you instead of your brother. But Bakugou, her receiving the power is a mystery even to me now." AllMight informed.

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