When you lose

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You stared widely into his eyes, no thoughts, only the thumping sound of a disorientated heartbeat.
Stagnant was your slow breath, wavering inaudibly.

As red flushed further through your face, you turned your head away, looking back out to the sky.
A restrictive feeling still flowing throughout your chest, your heart, like butterflies yet different somehow.
You let out a long heavy sigh, "I don't get it." A whisper.
Bakugou's hands loosened on you as you struggled out of his grip, turning a few steps and backing onto the balcony, facing him.
"This feeling, I really like it..." your voice cracked as you spoke.
"And yet, I still...I...still, don't think it's right of me to..." you paused as another voice began.
"If it's guilt your babbling about, there's no use in that dumbass..." He looked you directly in the eyes.
"You know I would never force anything on you, but I don't know why you keep resisting. Especially when I can see it in your eyes, your just scared of getting hurt." He spoke with persistence.
Your eyes widened, he was telling you things you knew were true, but didn't want to admit to.
"I'm not like people think I am, I'm not just some jerk who likes putting others down. That's not me, and I'm not any better or experienced at this feeling than you are. We're on equal footing here, and I know I've messed up a few times. But that's just my insecurities, and I hate to admit that, but I'm still learning." Pink dashed his cheeks as he went to cover his expression.

"And besides, your the only one

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"And besides, your the only one... who I would ever even try this with." The ash blonde's voice was comforting and sweet.

"I care a lot about you dumbass, but I'm the idiot for
not showing that sooner," he paused before shutting his eyes, giving you time to process the butterflies in your stomach, "cause your the one I want to be with. I want it to be just us, always, and I don't want to do anything big. I would rather hold you, and make you feel loved, because when I hold you, every doubt, trouble or worry, they all go away. So it must be the same for you right? You shouldn't feel guilty, because even if you think your being selfish, it couldn't be further from the truth. In the end, everyone just wants to feel loved, what's so wrong with that huh?... The only problem, is when you can't admit that. I hate liars, and you know that. So just face yourself, trust those damn feelings, so I can be selfish and take you for myself. That's all I want." Crimson eyes reached your own along with the words being formed by his lips. 
You couldn't hold yourself back anymore.
"Damn it, damn Katsuki. I hate you." Tears formed in the sides of your eyes as your fingers curled into your palms, your body taking several steps forward towards the male, heart pounding to a methodical tone. A shadow covering your face as you took large steps towards him. The feet between your bodies and your souls, became lesser ,very quickly.

Time seemed endless as the anticipation of inches ripped you apart violently, and he could feel it too, as his eyes widened, eyebrows raised and heart pounded faster. The painfully obvious connection and realization of what was about to happen, made him utterly astonished, amazed, dumbfounded even.
He wanted it. He loved your fierceness, your authority, your confidence. You now controlled him and his emotion.

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