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Sorry that I haven't been updating as quickly as I'd like. I edit and photoshop a lot of the art that I include in my stories which takes up a considerable amount of time. Thank you to all my readers and I hope you enjoy.

Your eyes watched the light switch at the top of the elevator, showing the floor as it switched from three to two.
The sound of the elevator hitting the first floor rang throughout your ear, allowing the doors to open slowly.

However, as the steel slabs opened farther, your brows furrowed and eyes widened while the blonde behind you narrowed his.

Red and white strands of hair hung over the face of surprise.
"Todoroki?" You muttered out, looking into the boys widened eyes, watching as his mouth fell open and then shut slowly.
Todoroki's moment of realization had been clear as he furrowed his brows. He knew that Bakugou's and your presence together wasn't a coincidence.

You opened your mouth and no words came out, but the voice from behind you caused you to turn around and face the ash blonde, quickly at that.
"See you later idiot." Bakugou got into the elevator, eyeing Todoroki with a side glance, and then looking away at the wall.

Todoroki dropped his head, his hair hiding his disappointed expression before letting his feet carry him, walking by you swiftly. A sense of pain lingering in just the sound of his steps, a shadow covering his face as he walked. He was well out of sight by now.

And then the elevator doors closed, and you were standing there alone.

"I really am an idiot, a jerk." You whispered to yourself. You knew Todoroki's feelings, and how rough it had been for him lately, and you knew he wasn't dumb. You and Bakugou together was hard for him.
Yet the thought of how Todoroki might feel was shadowed by the moments with the other boy, but shadowed unknowingly.

Usually Bakugou wouldn't have cared and would have taken you with him anyway, but he read the situation correctly. It would have made things much worse for you, and Bakugou didn't want that.

You didn't know how to approach Todoroki now, so you let the day go on, until darkness settled.

As you sat in your room and stared at the ceiling, the image of Todoroki walking past you replayed. His expression.
"Ergh, how could I be so stupid?!" You were muffled as you threw your pillow over your face.
You possibly just lost the trust of someone you cared about deeply.

As you rose from the bed, you looked yourself in the mirror with an upset expression.
"I need to clear my head." You talked to yourself, reaching for the black sweatshirt given to you.
As you put it on, you reached for the door and headed to the elevator, then taking yourself to the first floor.
You heard the chatter of the living room before heading out of the door into the chilly air.

The ash blonde, who was sitting on the couch next to Kirishima, heard the door, knowing it must have been you.

He sat there looking over the edge of the couch, watching near the windows with a slight look of concern.

"Hey man you good? Your acting kinda funny." Kirishima took him out of his daze.
"I'm fine." Bakugou responded.
"Wow he really is acting funny. Most of the time I'd expect him to be all, (don't you dare worry about me) and then an insult." Kaminari pointed out.
"Shut up dunce face!" He irrupted
"You shouldn't have said anything Kaminari." Sero was laughing.
"Whatever." Bakugou closed his eyes and slid his hands into his pockets as he stood up.
"Where you running off to Bakugou?" Kirishima asked.
"Nowhere." He answered.
All three boys shared a strange look.

You were stretching as you heard the door open, looking back to see the ash blonde close the door behind him and walk onto the grass towards you.
"Hey." You stood up straight with your hands by your side.
"Do you need something..." your eyes widened as he wrapped his hands around you and placed his head onto your shoulder.
You furrowed your eyebrows and slowly put your arms around his back.
Your heart beat slowly began increasing, "what are you doing?"
"This makes me feel better dumbass, just don't worry about it." Bakugou mumbled into your neck, letting his skin warm you.
"Who expected you'd be so needy." You laughed genuinely.
"Psh, I'm not, idiot." He raised his head and looked at you with a stern face.
You laughed again, "then what was that?"
"I said not to worry about it." Bakugou gritted his teeth as he looked away and then let go of you.
"You just don't want to admit it, your needy." You smirked.
"Says the one wearing my clothes..." he added.
"What?! You gave this to me and was all like, (you need to take better care of yourself dumbass)" you spoke in a lower tone when imitating him.
"Errgh, well at least I'm not so carefree that I got sick from some simple rain." He shot back.
You smiled at him and gave out a small laugh, not a reaction he was expecting.
"Are you blushing?" You smirked.
"It's your fault idiot." He pouted.
"Is it really?" You played dumb jokingly.
"Hmph." He sounded, closing his eyes as a small smile came over him.
Your face became slightly flushed as he opened his eyes too you, tilting his head into his scarf.

Bakugou x reader x Todoroki: The Best for HerWhere stories live. Discover now