Aquire power

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Surely enough I was right about fighting Bakugou. We both took the win, and it was my turn to fight him now. Our bodies were plumped into the chairs of separated break rooms, but minds thinking the same thing. This fight would be difficult. And pretty soon we were called to the area, just like before.
Present Mike took the microphone again.
"Alright folks, you know this will be an interesting match between these two peers! Let's see who comes out on top shall we! Let the match begin!" He cheered excitingly.
Both of us looked into each other's eyes, waiting for the first move.
Suddenly be began charging, and I thickened my thread, similar to before, but this time molded a large thick pole from my thread. My strategy for now would be to wound him when he tried straight forward close range attacks like his usual. This was a bit unorganized, but as he got close enough I whacked him in the arm with my pole, hopefully hitting him hard enough to hurt him. This would hopefully stop him from using his explosives as much. Bakugou's expression was indescribable with horror and rage, but still shows a lack of full power, more restraint.
"Don't hold back, that's worse." I said trying to aggravate him.
He said nothing which wasn't normal. Most of the time he'd have an insult.
He tried again, getting close to me, but I whacked him again in the other arm. He was holding it so it definitely did some damage but he wasn't being himself.
"Stop holding back!" I yelled.
He returned with a serious look, neither scowl or smirk.
He then propelled himself off the ground with his explosions and tried coming down on top of me.
I formed a ball as a barrier, but some explosion got through the less thick places and stung my eyes making my vision a bit blurry.
I began turning my thread in a circular motion to clear the smoke. One thing about my thread was it disintegrated in the air if I used it for over two minutes, that's why I was constantly forced to make more, and Bakugou knew that. He kept trying to make me eject large amounts of thread at one point, like creating the barrier, which made me weaker.
He kept throwing large explosive punches that forced me to make shields, and creating "objects" from my thread that cost a lot of energy. The slower and weaker I got, the more he used it to his advantage. In the beginning he seemed to be holding back, but he just kept getting stronger and more aggressive somehow. I tried pushing him out of bounds with my thread multiple times, but it didn't work. His body was often wrapped in my thread but he kept wiggling out of it.
Thirty minutes had eventually gone by, and I was panting heavily as sweat drenched my face.
I released my thread towards him and it sliced his cheek which made blood trickle down the side of his face. When he felt it and saw the blood, his eyes changed into something truly terrifying. More of my thread was ejected towards him, but this time instead of dodging he grabbed it directly, like the villain at the 'USJ incident' had done. He sent explosions down the thread making their way to towards my hands. The explosions reached my fingertips causing a burning pain. I could no longer use my thread since my fingers were numb, rendering me useless against him. I winced in pain closing my eyes shut, and when I opened them I saw things in slow motion. His palm inches away from my stomach, and when it hit, I was sent flying. But things went dark and I could no longer feel or think. Just black.

My eyes fluttered open slowly, the blurriness faded and my vision focused on the ceiling. I turned my head one way, seeing the blue and white walls and curtains. As I tilted it the other way I saw him in the chair. The light was dim, the colors of the sky were dark, and in the chair sat a sleeping person.
Why was he here and what happened to me? My head was throbbing.
I realized I was in Recovery girl's office.
"I see your awake." I heard his voice and immediately turned my head.
"What happened to me?" I asked Todoroki.
"That punch to the stomach sent you flying into the wall, you've been out for a couple of hours. I thought I should be the one to come since I've been to your house and your father trusts me." He said seeming to avoid eye contact.
"Does he know I passed out?"
I felt relief to hear that answer. I didn't want my dad worrying.
"Thank you." I smiled weakly at him.
"Mhm hmm."
"How'd the battle go? Who won?" I asked.
"Bakugou won the entire thing. I fought Midoriya and won, but lost to Bakugou." He sighed.
I was surprised to hear this.
"I wanted to defeat him so badly, because I wanted to fight you. But then I realized he was still so much better." I gritted my teeth and a tear streaked down my face.
"It just makes me so angry." My fists clenched while I said this.
He just sat there looking at me, saying nothing.
"I'm going to find Recovery girl, try and get more rest." He stood up and shut the door.

Bakugou x reader x Todoroki: The Best for HerWhere stories live. Discover now