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Ahsahi woke from the sound of chirping birds.
When his conscious caught up with his body he realized you weren't beside him.
This caused him to jump up out of panic.
"Yuan?!" He exhaled frantically, looking around the room.
He carried himself to the entrance and ripped the curtain door to the side.
His pupils dilated to the light as he looked down.
Ahsahi's lips parted slightly as he saw you hanging your feet off the edge of the wood.
You turned your head to face the boy.
"Good morning." You smiled.
"Dont scare me like that. You should have woken me up." He sighed out.
"Your cranky." You chuckled.
"Well yeah I about had a heart attack. I thought you were gone." Ahsahi turned his eyebrows.
"Okay, I'll wake you up next time." Your expression straightened out.
He yawned, "what time is it anyway?"
"Around 10:00." You answered.
The male nodded, "let's clean up and get home."
Your head tilted, but you raised yourself from the ground.

You put away the blankets as Ahsahi disassembled the projector.
As you walked beside the river on the way home, the suns rays reflected off the water.
"It's so nice out today." You told him.
"Yeah, whatever we do it should be outside." He replied.
"Wanna go to the sea ports? There only 45 minutes away. We could all go, since you have to leave tomorrow we should all be together." You asked him taking in account the rest of the families feelings even though you wanted to be selfish.
"That sounds really fun, we could also go to that really good Greek restaurant on the bay. I love that place, it's delicious."
"Sure!" You said with excitement.

You neared the doorstep of your home and opened the door.
After seeing your dad and Rin, you discussed the plans during breakfast.

Soon all four of you were in the car on the way towards the bay.
Rin was the most excited because he'd only been there once.

Your dad parked the car and you walked down on the edge of the ocean.
Many shops stood open, sometimes Rin dragged you through one and the pulled you out to go to the next one. Your dad and Ahsahi followed behind you and your brother.
You looked back at them with a pleading face in hopes one of them to take Rin's energy out of your hands.
Ahsahi stepped forward quickly.
He bent down on his knees and took Rin's arms to lift the boy above his head, finally placing him on his shoulders.
"Don't hit your head on any store signs!" Ahsahi laughed with the boy.
Everyone was smiling, happily and truly, wishing every day could be like this.

You stopped at the benches that faced the blue water. A ice cream stand was next to it.
"Ice cream!" Rin exclaimed.
You and your dad looked at each other simultaneously with a smile.
Ahsahi put Rin down and your dad stepped forward with his wallet.
"Whatcha want kiddo's?" Your dad asked kindly.
"I'll pay, I owe you one." Ahsahi volunteered.
"Dont worry about that, you payed for Yuan and Rin's fun for several days so I got it." Your dad said pridefully. He wanted to pay.
"Uh okay. I'll have whatever Yuan is having." Ahsahi said.
You stood a bit surprised, but ordered your favorite ice cream flavor.
Ahsahi carried your ice cream to you while sitting on the bench.
You took it from him, and tasted the melting ice cream in your mouth.
"Thanks." You smiled gratefully.
You both looked up at the bright blue sky.
Rin then danced around you with ice cream dripping from his chin.
"Rin! It's getting on your shirt." You spoke quickly.
He rubbed his hand over his face to get the ice cream and then licked his hand.
"Your disgusting." You laughed.
He smiled with his missing tooth.
"You used to do that too you know." Ahsahi then laughed at you.
"Really, I don't recall. You must be thinking of someone else." You smirked.
He hummed.
Your dad then joined the three of you with mint chocolate ice cream in a cone.
Suddenly you felt a hand wipe the side of your mouth.
You looked over at Ahsahi strangely.
"Your one to talk, you had yours dripping from your lips too." He laughed.
"Whatever." You said as you finished the last off your cold treat.

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