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(You were dreaming, probably. It was dark and you were by yourself in what you assumed to be a room.
You were standing and couldn't see anything.
Suddenly a display of light was opened by a door.
Blinding light.
A shadow stood in front of it, coming closer and holding its hand like figure out to you.)

Your body lifted up quickly from the bed, sweat trolling down your face as you clenched the unfamiliar bedding. Your hair was a mess.
As your senses returned your eyes darted to the movement in the room.
You widened your eyes as the ash blonde was half way done removing his shirt from his body.
His pupils were small, almost gone, as he looked at you with the most surprised expression.
"What the hell!" Your body moved in light speed grabbing the pillows from behind you and launching them at the half naked boy.
You fell off the bed, dragging the bedding with you and landed on your face.
As you lifted your body off the ground you searched for the next throwable item. It just happened to be a small wallet.
Then you launched that as well.

"Ughh." He groaned as he looked at you with the most irritated face. His face was bruised from your strength.
Unknowingly you had activated a small percent of One for All in your fingertips, increasing the speed and power of your launch.

"What...the HELL WAS THAT FOR IDIOT?!" He faced you, still half naked.
"Your in my room half naked!!!!" You held your head from your position on the floor.
"The hell I am! This is my room dumb ass!" He irrupted.
Your face fell, "whaaaaaat! You PERVERT!"
Next thing you both knew, items were being thrown at Bakugou with your own hands again.
"Hey STOP! I didn't do anything!!" Bakugou covered his face.
You listened, but skeptically held a small hairbrush ready to be thrown.
"Get your shirt on already!" You yelled as you covered your eyes.
He did just that in a flash instant before screaming at you that you fell asleep in his room.

10 minutes later you were both downstairs sitting on the couch in front of Mr. Aizawa. Some of your classmates were watching, and wondered why Bakugou had bandages on his face.

"I had come here to check on my class and I could hear the fighting from the first floor. Do you know how angry that makes me?" The man spoke in a strict yet monotone voice.
"We are sorry sir, it was a misunderstanding on my behalf. It was my fault." You bowed your head, face close to your knees.

"I scared her." Bakugou looked away as he sat next to you.
"And after you both got off house arrest, disappointing to say the least." He put his hands in his pockets.
"It won't happen again." You continued to bow.
"I expected more from you Yuan, but this is unacceptable." He kept going.

"I had a role in this too

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"I had a role in this too." Bakugou directly told him. You looked over with a surprised expression plastered on your face.
"You didn't let me finish..." Mr. Aizawa scowled.
Bakugou sweat dropped, he knew it could be a problem for him and his hero license.
"Because of your two's situations, I'm going to let it slide this once. But do it a second time and you'll wish you weren't my students." The man finished.
"Yes sir." You told him before the two of you were dismissed.

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