Overtime. Willpower

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When Ahsahi returned we began walking to the nearby shrine.
"Here." He said, handing me the stargazer Lily flowers.
I took them from him as we walked.
"Thanks Ahsahi, I really am glad your here."
"I know, I'm just that awesome." He teased.
"Oh yeah, whose idea was it for you to come visit me for a month. It sounds like you missed me, because I'm just that awesome." I elbowed his arm.
"Your not wrong." He said scratching his cheek with his index finger.
"Mhm hmm, I knew I was right."

We continued talking until we reached the shrine and began walking up the steps.
We took a separate path behind the garden, and it was there like always.
"Hey mom, I'm closer to becoming a hero. Just like you." I said kneeling down and placed her favorite flowers on her grave.
Tears began to fall down my cheeks.
Ahsahi gently laid my head on his shoulder, holding me, just like he had every time he visited with me.

"You got this honey." Ahsahi said in a high pitched voice, imitating my mom, trying to lighten the mood like he always did.
I chuckled weakly and smiled.
"You always know how to disrespect somebody." I said while my face was red from tears.
"I bet she's glad I made you laugh though. Also I'm not the one being disrespectful, your practically drowning her in your tears." He smirked.
"Don't even, you cried even more than I did last time we came together." I gave him a funny look.
"Uh, I don't know what your talking about." He played dumb.
"Sureee" I smiled.
"Seriously, I don't know what your talking about, maybe you remembered it wrong Yuan."
"I don't think so...," I stood up, "how about we go get Rin, dads going to worry where we are."
He rose from he crouched position and we began walking back.

Time skip: morning

I walked out the door with toast sticking out the side of my mouth next to Rin and Ahsahi, who also had toast sticking out of their mouths.
Ahsahi and I dropped Rin off at day care, then he walked me all the way to school.
"Bye, dont mess up the house while I'm gone kay." I waved the blonde off.
"Don't worry I won't, see ya after school. I'll be here later." He said as he started walking back.
I turned around as well and heard my name being called.
"Yuan, Wait up!" I heard Hagakure's voice.
"Yo, what's up?" I smiled at her.
"Who was that boy you were talking to? He's so cute, is he your boyfriend?"
"Oh gosh n..." I couldn't finish my sentence because I was interrupted.
"I heard boyfriend!" Mina suddenly came into the conversation as we walked the halls nearing our classroom.
"Yuan's gotten herself a boyfriend, did you see that cute blonde she was talking to?" Hagakure answered.
"Ooooh Yuan, your so lucky!" Mina exclaimed and put her hands behind her head.
"But he isn't my boy.."
"Don't be silly you can't trick me. I'm a love expert, so I can tell." Hagakure said.
"How are you an expert?" I chuckled.
"I've seen all of the romance movies and Sagas you could imagine, believe me." She boasted even though those movies weren't even close to reality.
"If you think he is so cute you can totally have him." I laughed.
Mina opened the door and we walked in and took our seats.
I immediately heard her telling Kaminari I had a boyfriend, and him saying "dang it, one less option." *Because I was an option in the first place* I laughed to myself.

"today we are picking possible hero names to present, so write in down on a white board when you think of one." Mr. Aizawa said and everyone went quiet as he handed out tiny white boards.

I immediately thought of one and wrote down the words, Seta Eterna, meaning eternal silk in Italian. It was my mother's hero name.

The day was boring as it began to rain, droplets rolling down the glass. The touch almost cold, I could tell fall was on its way. That day went by quickly and next thing I knew I was grabbing my extra shoes from my locker to go home.

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