Are when someone is lost

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You starred into his hungry eyes before closing your own eyes and smiling, "Just don't do anything too drastic." You told him jokingly as you went along with it.
"Tch, I'm not making any damn promises." He clicked his tongue as he averted his eyes.
"Okay but just confirm one thing for me, your going?" You opened your eyes.
"Tsk, you know the answer dumbass." He spoke with a rough voice.
"Yeah, I just wanted to hear you admit it." You chuckled.
He gave you a side glance before looking away again.
"Alright, well, I guess I'll be going now. Don't forget about it okay?" You stood up straight.
"Who said your ass could leave." Bakugou asked rhetorically.
"I'm not obligated to stay here ya know." You furrowed your brows at him.
"Your the one who invited yourself over idiot!" His eyes went white.
"Well it wasn't like you were doing anything right?" You argued back.
"Tch, it's not your business." He looked away.
"So I was right." You smirked.
He clenched his teeth, "So what, neither were you."
"Hmh, then let's do something together." You suggested with a smile.
He grunted with surprise, "like hell thats gonna happen."
"Even if there was a little competition?" You raised both eyebrows.
"Grh, it wouldn't matter cause I'd win anyway." He boasted.
"Bring it then, how about a one on one good old nostalgic game of cops and robbers?" You smirked.
He widened his eyes at you before turning his face with a scowl.
"Don't ever bring that up again." He growled, practically refusing to make eye contact.
A surprised and confused expression overcame you, "huh?"
"That was sick." He muttered out.
"What? Why..." you asked before finally realizing.
"Are you still upset about what happened that day...when we were kids?" You asked.
"I told you to stop bringing that up." He clenched his teeth.
"Look, I was over it a long time ago, my ear barely effects me anymore and we can't just act like we didn't spend our past together. Some of my most treasured memories are when we were kids, so stop beating yourself up for that. It's gone and done, and your the only one who resents yourself for it..." you were interrupted.
"That's not it....we've been over this before idiot. I hurt you." His voice cracked as he hid his face.
"And?" You said sternly.
He looked up at you with pained confusion.
"Anyone who thinks they can use their pain as an excuse to resent others or themselves has something they're not coming to terms with. Those are the people who can't move on." Your voice was serious.
"I know that." He was embarrassed.
"I forgave you, and it's like you say right? The past is the past. We should be free to move past the bad memories, but there is no reason to forget the good ones right?" You smiled at him.
He finally looked at you and rolled his eyes, "Your so cheesy dumbass."
You laughed, "whatever, but seriously, I'm not joking about playing cops and robbers, I miss that. Plus I just wanna see if I'm still faster." You folded your arms and smiled.
"Tch, you know what just to say to get me pissed." He gave you a look.
"Riled up. And just consider it training." You corrected.
"Whatever dumbass. Fine."
You looked at him with surprise, "really?"
He covered his mouth with embarrassment, "I can put up with it...if...nevermind."
"Now who's being cheesy?" You muttered.
"The hell d'you just say?" A tik mark appeared on his forehead.
"Oh just about how happy am I that your spending time with me." You smiled.
He looked away, "Psh, yeah."
"Okay then, how about we go to the NPF gym just out of Musutafu. They have a huge outdoor training facility. And also rock wall climbing." You brought out one of his favorite activities that was relatively a secret.

After that, not much convincing was needed. You were now exiting the station out of Musutafu.
"This is it. I can't believe you haven't been here before." You said as you stood next to Bakugou, looking at the large white building and the forest surrounding it. It didn't differ very much from UA.
"Yeah well these arnt the types of places I go to train." He told you with calmness.
"Makes sense, your quirk is a bit too much for places like community gyms." You pointed out.
He looked at you for a few seconds before walking forward, "let's do this thing already."

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