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"Katsuki go get the door!"
You heard faintly from the other side, immediately knowing it was Mitsuki.
"Yeah yeah, I got it!"
You heard his voice.
The door opened slightly, "old hag." He said before opening his eyes to you.
The red orbs widened before he looked away.
"What do you want?" He said a bit harshly.
"We need to talk about what happened. Can I come in?" You asked him with pleading eyes.
He responded by opening the door wider and walking back inside, hands in pockets.
You closed it behind you as you walked into the living room.
"Who was it?" You heard her loud voice from the other room.
"Nobody!" He growled.
Your neck tweaked, (well that hurt) you thought.
"Don't be a smartass with me Katsuki!" Mitsuki yelled, her voice increasing as she approached the living room.
"Shut up!" Bakugou ripped his hands out of his pockets.
(I would get beat if I talked to my dad that way, well this isn't something new to me though) you thought.
"Damnit Katsuki... Yuan?" She averted her attention quickly when she saw me.
"Good evening Mrs. Mitsuki. It's been a while since we've seen each other." You bowed.
"You didn't tell me you were seeing each other again! I would have cooked!" His mom jerked her head towards her identical son.
"She's is only stopping by and don't assume things!" Bakugou exclaimed as the tik mark bursted on his forehead.
"Actually since we are in the same class again at UA now I needed to talk about some school stuff." You lied.
"I can't believe he didn't even tell me you go to UA. If he had I would have invited you sooner like old times." She said sweetly while glaring at Bakugou.
"He probably just forgot to saw something." You waved your wrist up and down.
"Anyway how is your mom and dad?" She asked.
You froze for a second before opening your mouth.
"Your wasting my time. C'mon." Bakugou said quickly before leaving the room quickly.
"Sorry." you said as you followed before you lost sight of him.
"It can't be helped." She shrugged.
His loud footsteps escalated the stairs and you followed as fast as you could.
His house was as big as you remembered.
He walked towards his room and opened the door.
It hadn't changed much, besides a few of the hero posters missing.
He then walked out onto the deck outside his room and closed it behind you.
He violently sat down onthe outdoor chair and looked through the railing.
"We won't be overheard here." He said somewhat normally.
The deck wasn't in the front, but was on the side of house away from public view.
"Thanks for that." You said nervously.
"Yeah whatever, just say what you need to say already." He narrowed his eyes.
"I'm sorry I lied about my mom. The truth is she was killed a month after Rin's birth while under an undercover job for the police. Nobody knew she was a hero because she decided to erase herself completely after I was born."
"I already knew she was gone." Bakugou looked towards you.
"How?!" You asked a bit loudly.
"Your a shitty liar. As soon as you told me she had left and didn't say she would come home I knew something had happened. Your eyes said it all." He quickly looked down.
You sighed to yourself. He was smart, you knew that.
"Well anyway, the real reason I came was to ask you to not tell anyone about what happened in the villains hideout. You can't tell anyone my secret, not even my family knows yet. It has to stay between you and me, nobody else." You said with sorrow in your voice.
The boy looked up at you.
"As if I would tell anyone." He looked away and scoffed.
"You have a funny way of trying to be considerate ya,know." You forced a smile.
"Psh." He sounded. At least he was acknowledging you.
You looked out over the railing and stood up, then you proceeded to lean against the edge.
His eyes followed you.
"I miss our time in primary school together. Things were so much simpler. Everything was right." You said softly, emotion was building up and you feel you could break at any moment.
Now that Ahsahi was gone you didn't have a stronghold to support you.
"Grow up, you should know things like this would happen when you began training as a hero. It's only natural." His voice was rough.
"Yeah, your probably right... well I'm done here so I guess I'll be going." You faked another smile as you turned your body towards the door.
He saw right through it though.
"What's going on between you and Todoroki?" Bakugou shot his glare at you.
"We are just friends." You sighed.
"Yeah whatever you don't have to tell me now." He rolled his eyes.
"I think you and Todoroki could be friends, if you just took the time to understand each other. Your actually really similar." You stopped your hand before reaching for the sliding door.
"Shut up, I'm way stronger than him." Bakugou scoffed again.
"That's just your ego talking." You laughed.
"Get off my back. Your starting to sound like mom."
"Yeah well she's not wrong. You can be a handful."
"Whatever." He folded his arms.
"Dont you hate me?" He asked you suddenly.
"What where is that coming from?" You turned to him.
"I keep hurting you, and you won't leave me alone. You keep involving yourself!" He clenched his teeth.
"What do you mean, you keep hurting me?" You stood confused.
"Just forget about it!" He exclaimed.
"Calm down, I don't know what your talking about so just spit it out!" You then started to get frustrated.
"Just shut up!" He turned his head down to where you couldn't see his eyes.
"You can talk to me Bakugou! You started this so hurry up and tell me." You tried calming down.
"Go already!" He looked up and slammed his fist against the arm chair.
"You know as well as I do you cannot control your emotions. I wish I could understand that, but I don't know what happened to you that made talking so difficult. You can push me away all you want! But you should know I won't go away, not as long as your my friend! Your important to me you know, you always have been! That won't change, but you just haven't gotten that in your brain yet!" You squeezed your hands.
His eyes widened further.
"I don't know what your thinking, so you can't expect me to know what your talking about if I don't even know what's happening." Your eyes became watery.

Bakugou x reader x Todoroki: The Best for HerWhere stories live. Discover now