The past

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Days later, the class of 1A gathered in front of the new dorm rooms.
You felt bad because you wouldn't always be around to help Rin and your old man.

You zoned out during Mr. Aizawa's speech, until the very end of it.
"I would have expelled every one of you besides Bakugou, Yuan, Jiro, and Hagakure because they are the ones who didn't break our trust. But anyway go have fun with your new dorm rooms. All your stuff should be in your room already so get unpacking." He ended his speech.

You felt down just like the rest of the students, but you did your best to ignore it and kept walking towards the dorm.
You certainly weren't feeling talkative either, especially not to Bakugou.

As you reached your room on the third floor you immediately began unpacking your belongings from your old room. The bed and dresser were already set up, and were about the only "big" furniture you decided to take.
You set up your small working desk and then unpacked your clothes. Small decor followed, and it didn't look all that different from your room at home. It wasn't plain nor excessive, and your f/c sheets complimented the room nicely.
It didn't take long, compared to your other classmates.
A memory popped into your head as you sat on your bed.
"We don't really quite understand this ourselves, but you cannot tell anyone about the power of One for All for yours and the worlds safety. I know this a lot to take in at once, but you should consider talking to Midoriya once your rested. I plan on telling him about you." Were the words AllMight spoke.
(I still haven't talked to him yet) you thought.
This was something you were trying to avoid, you weren't sure how he would take it after all. You couldn't run away forever though.
You sighed as you stood up and walked out the door.
You went to the elevator to where Midoriya's dorm was.
Your clenched hand hit the door in a rhythmic fashion.
"Coming!" You heard the enthusiastic voice from behind the door.
The boy opened the door slightly and then walked out into the hall, proceeding to close the door behind him.
"Oh hey, Yuan." He smiled while rubbing his neck awkwardly.
"I'm not interrupting am I? I can come back later." You offered.
"Actually I just finished my room. I'm free." He smiled.
"In that case can we go somewhere more private?" You asked uncomfortably.
His smile immediately died out as he nodded.
He followed you to the elevator, and then the two of you stepped outside onto the courtyard.
"Is this about One for All?" He asked.
"Yeah, AllMight told you?"
"He asked me to see him a few days ago. He told me everything he knew. I thought I would wait for you to confront me, because I understand this is strange and scary."
"I'm sorry I didn't come to you sooner, but AllMight suggested I talk with you about it. So far, there is so much I don't understand, but I need to stop the episodes so I can become a hero." Your concerned expression grew.
"When I first had the power of all for one I had to train my body to withstand the power, but since you already have a quirk I'm not sure how to help or what advice to give." He frowned and put his hand up to his chin.
"What's your quirk, you know, before you had All for One?" You  asked curiously.
"I was quirk less until AllMight gave me the power of All for One."
Your eyes widened.
"I need to figure out what this power will do to my other quirk."
"Both AllMight and I were quirkless, but apparently his teacher had a born quirk. I'm not sure because I haven't asked him before." Midoriya pondered.
"We don't have much time to figure it out either, before summer break ends." You folded your arms.
You realized the boy wasn't listening to you, but instead was muttering quietly.
Then he stopped and removed the hand from his chin.
"From what information we have, there are several possibilities. One option is you develop two quirks, another is your quirk would strengthen instead of your physical power. Or you could even loose your first quirk and develop this one, which would be the worst scenario. I just don't know." He looked you in the eyes with a serious expression.
You thought for a second.
"For now, can you tell me everything you know about One for All?" You looked up.
He nodded, "I don't know everything about it yet either, but I'll try my best to explain. It's kind of nice to have someone else to talk to about this." He smiled.
"Yeah, I'm glad you found a bright side to this." You sweat dropped.
The two of you sat outside for what seemed like hours as he explained the secrets of One for All, until there was no more to know.
The sun was falling quickly, changing the color of the sky along with it.
"That's a lot." You whined from your brain dead state.
Suddenly the sliding door flew open and a pink haired Mina jumped out.
"You two have been out here all day! The others and I came up with a fun activity, come on in!" She exclaimed and left the door open.
You stood up and entered the room followed by Midoriya who slid the door shut.
Seemingly the entire class was in the living room.
Ururaka was giving you a funny look as you went and leaned against the side of the couch next to Todoroki. You didn't realize the side glance shot at you.
Mina put her hands together, "a room judging contest! We girls will judge the boys rooms and vote a winner at the end!"
You didn't have a preference, partly because you were both brain dead and tired, so you just let the others talk about it.
Eventually it was decided on, and you started at the second floor.
You trailed behind Hagakure next to Asui, she didn't seem very lively.
"Hey Tsu, are you feeling alright?" You asked concerned.
"My stomach is hurting, I think I might go to bed." She sighed.
"I'm sorry, I hope you feel better." You laid a gentle hand on her back.
She smiled at you, but it didn't seem to real.

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