A hero who

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The class practiced hard everyday to prepare, and soon after all that training, all their efforts would be tested. The show would go on in two days.

Almost every morning, you and Midoriya would get up early to train with AllMight on campus.
Up to today you had been training your body for One for All, but now you were ready to take the first step.
"Try to focus all of your power into your fist all at once. Imagine it flowing and exploding in one spot." AllMight held a finger up while standing next to you. Midoriya was practicing his new long range air attack.
You stood in front of a tree, aiming to hit it with your power,prepared to break yourself.
"Alright!" You nodded as you positioned your fist to punch the tree. You closed your eyes and imagined it as you struck the tree.
You didn't feel anything after your hand made contact with the rough bark.
You opened your eyes, revealing a stump below where you had punched.
"Yes! That was it right?!" You exclaimed.
"Yuan, take a look at your hand." AllMight pointed as he looked at the hand you had punched with.
"What, it's not broken. I thought I used all my power." You stood confused.
"You probably did. You see, I thought something like this would happen. It didn't make sense for One for All to transfer the way it did, it didn't make sense for it to be the same for you as it is for Midoriya and I. Quirks can be passed down, like a trait, but they change as they pass down from person to person. Like if a mother had a water quirk that allowed her to control it when she has access to it, their child might be able to produce and control their own water. In other words, the quirk is modified as it travels through. Your generation could possibly be the first time this gene has been able to activate within the body, however, it means it's not very strong. But with myself and Midoriya, it's being passed down directly, becoming stronger as it's passed down, while yours is indirect and requires time to develop. I believe that you might not be able to produce a great strength of One for All just because it's still not developed. So while Young Midoriya can obtain 100%, you may only to be able to obtain 10%." AllMight informed you.
"But then why didn't my bones break, like they did in my legs that day?" You pondered.
"Well it's possible that you are able to use all 10% safely in your arms and hands because you were training your body with that born quirk of yours ever since you were a child. But you can't produce the thread in the legs, so it's less strong. Midoriya is able to use 20% without breaking his body because he gradually increased the use. You will have to do the same with your legs." Your instructor finished speaking.
"So, I won't ever be able to harness more than 10%?" You questioned.
"Well it's only a theory, but it's likely." He answered.
"Honestly I'm kinda glad. I thought it was ridiculous that One for All existed in me without anyone having a say. It was unfair to Midoriya and all the other uses who deserve it. But I didn't even work for it." You frowned.
"Don't say that, the world needs more hero's to inspire. One for All can help you, and I have no doubt you'll become a fantastic hero one day." AllMight laid a hand on your shoulder.
"Yeah..." you said, slightly discouraged.
"On the bright side you will be able to use one for all in your arms without worrying as long as you can control it like you did today." AllMight removed his hand and went to Midoriya.

That day after classes you returned to your regular practice for the festival.
During practice, Jirou was always helping the others so you sang alone outside until they were ready.
Today would be the first time you would really be singing in front of the band group at practice, besides Jirou who often joined for extra practice with just the two of you.
The band group had set up in an extra facility room, which was mainly empty except for the instrument and speakers.
You Took a deep breath in and closed your eyes, trying to forget there are others around you. Music started and when your part came up you began singing to the melody along with Jirou.
You realized you had gone into a zone, and before you knew it the song was already over.
"Wow Yuan I wasn't expecting that! You've got vocals!" Kaminari complimented.
"You were excellent." Momo added.
"Heh thanks." You smiled.
"Psh, we aren't going to murder the audience with that." Bakugou scoffed.
You knew he didn't mean it but you retorted back anyway,"Your so hilarious." You offered a fake chuckle.
For some reason he wasn't looking you in the eyes, and he hadn't been for a few weeks straight.
After practice you waited after the only one left was Bakugou.
"Why have you been so distant lately?" You asked once you were alone.
"Mind your own business." He slipped his hands into his pocket.
"Hey, would you look at me?" You grabbed his sleeve as he walked by you.
He ripped his sleeve from your grip.
"Bakugou!" You cried out. You weren't sure what you did. And in just the span of a few seconds, tears formed in your eyes.
"Damn it, why do I keep crying so much." You clenched your teeth as you wiped your cheek.
Bakugou stopped with wide eyes, looking at you. At the tears.
"Sorry nevermind." You hid your face, you guess your still kinda worn out from recent events. You had been visiting the hospital with Todoroki frequently.
"Is something going on between you and that half n half bastard?" You heard his voice, surprised he was still there.
"No! Everyone keeps asking that but nothing happened." Nothing besides him comforting you and confessing his feelings, not to your surprise nothing else happened.
"Why do your even care?! I don't get it!" You asked again after he didn't say anything.
"Because I can't stand to see you with him!"
You turned your head up, hair flowing from your face. Your eyes were wide.
"What? That's why you've been so distant." You said quietly.
"The way he acts around you pisses me off! Your so clueless you idiot!" Bakugou clenched his fists.
"I already know! I know his feelings, I don't know how to react yet." You held your chest, "I've been hurting, but he's there for me when no one else is."
"What about me!?" His words hit you hard.
You paused.
"I didn't want to bother you, because like you said, I'm always the one causing you problems. I'm a burden on you, who always needs help." A shadow covered your face.
"That doesn't mean I don't like it." You looked up again, seeing him. His face was averted, hand gripping his neck.
This surprised you more than anything. This was the first time he had opened up to you without backing out.
"I just want to help you, but I always mess things up instead." You dropped your head and closed your eyes as your teeth clenched once more.
"Crybaby." You heard him say before you felt your body being pulled.
The ash blonde's arm reached around your neck, hand spread on the back of your head, pulling you into his chest. Your face grew pink.
"Your confusing." Your words were muffled.
"Tch, yeah." You felt the vibration of his words travel through his chest.
"I missed you, after we stopped hanging out all the time." You told him, embarrassed.
"How many times do I have to tell you that we aren't kids anymore." He said harshly.
"That's not what I meant, just because we aren't kids anymore doesn't mean we can't start hanging out again."
No reply.

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