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"Do not worry because, I am here." The voice entered from the smashed wall. It was AllMight.
Dabi wasn't around me anymore from what I could tell in the smoke.
"C'mon!" I heard a low agitated voice and I felt a hand grab my wrist from behind. I looked to see ash blond hair through the dust. He pulled me with him as the dust cleared.
AllMight's body blocked the exit for the villains.
"Go young Bakugou,Yuan, find safety outside with the pros." AllMight said to us as he let us out the hole from behind him. Bakugou's grip was still tight, he wasn't letting go.
We looked down below, we were on the second floor so we had to jump.

"Crap!" Bakugou said as we were engulfed in a black sludge mid jump.
We couldn't breathe or see. I felt his other hand reach around me onto my back automatically. He pulled me up to his chest, I held my breath. His actions were probably just a subconscious reaction.
Only about a few seconds later we were spit out of the sludge and onto the ground. We fell apart, each coughing and gulping for air.

Third POV:
"Ugh!" Yuan groaned as she wiped sludge off the side of her mouth
"Get ready." Bakugou said, causing her to look up at him standing and then around their surroundings. The villains were transported along with them to another location.
She stumbled to her feet, the two of them stood there as a dark figure appeared from the blackness.
"Master..."  Shigaraki sputtered.
"I will always be here to help you Tomura. I am here to help you succeed. It doesn't matter how many times you fail, you can keep trying. I brought the children as well, since you believe they are important to your success."
"Thank you Master, I know they will be an asset for us." He thanked him.
"We have to get out of here now!" Bakugou looked at her.
She was standing, her face filled with terror.
"Yuan, snap out of it!" He growled.
Still no response.
"Listen to me!" He tried again and no budge.
Her fear quickly turned into anger.
"Your the one who killed her! You took her away from me!" She yelled.
Bakugou's expression went blank as he heard her.
"Who is this, Tomura?" All for One turned his mechanical head.
"That is my niece, Master." Shigaraki answered.
The leaders head turned to the girl after he nodded. He clearly understood who Yuan was talking about.
"Her death was to benefit others, but unfortunately I couldn't take her quirk." All for one told Yuan, unaffected by her hysterical mood.
"Your gonna die and go to hell!" Her voice deepened.
Bakugou's head faced the ground, a shadow covering his eyes.
"Calm down." He told her.
"Shut up! You don't understand. I have to kill him." She lost it.
Suddenly between the two kids and All for One, a destructive force hit the ground. The cement broke and dust formed.
"Long time no see!" The symbol of peace stood up and faced All for One.
"Ah, AllMight!" The villain said.
"They are gonna fight you idiot. We have to go!" Bakugou approached the girl.
"I don't care! This might be my only opportunity!" Yuan said, Bakugou's sweat dropped as he saw her hand twitch and raise.
"Don't do that!" He could see the reflection of light coming off her thread.
Bakugou bared his teeth as he grabbed her by the shoulder.
Her eyes went wide after she realized what happened. A fist was buried in her stomach.
Her eyes closed as she fell into Bakugou's arms.
"Your such an idiot." He growled under his breath.
*I didn't want to do that, but we're getting in AllMight's way. I'm sorry.* he thought in his head.
"Tomura, get those children and go now." All for one ordered.
"No master, your not strong enough! I can't leave you!" Tomura pleaded.
"Have you forgotten, the symbol of peace has weakened. This is the time, I will not tell you again." He got serious.
Kurogiri's warp gate opened in the process.
"Tch, fine. Get the kids!" Shigaraki told his inferior partners.
The villains immediately started lunging at Bakugou. He was at an extreme disadvantage, taking care of Yuan, and dodging the attacks at the same time. He knew if he couldn't escape AllMight would be holding back.

The fights began with AllMight being thrown into a distant building.
Bakugou was somehow managing fighting with the girl slumped over his back.

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