Chapter 102: Ready to sacrifice, but only himself

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As Paladin started to walk forward towards the Great Burning Minotaur, he mentally prepared himself.

"Delta, fly off my shoulder now."


Delta flew off Paladin's shoulder, and flew off into the dark clouded sky. Paladin stopped, and he looked on at the Great Burning Minotaur, who was again sending blazing orange flames out from his nose like a flamethrower. Paladin closed his eyes.

"Soldiers of the Damned."

Paladin took his left hand and with his left hand he took his white bandana that was rolled down on his neck, and he raised it to cover the bottom half of his face.

"School of Light, Eagle Vision."

Paladin opened his eyes as he casted Eagle Vision, his eyes instantly turning from brown into a glowing golden yellow. Paladin looked ahead at the battlefield again.

"All or nothing."

Paladin took a deep breath, and immediately with the long steel bladed sword Highclere lent him he sprinted straight towards the Great Burning Minotaur.

"School of Light, Light Flame Caster!"

As Paladin continued to sprint forward, his casted spell created yellow flames of light around the steel blade of his sword, flames flowing all along the blade with heat radiating off of his sword and creating a glowing yellow light around him. Paladin's glow was bright, it was getting the attention of everyone in the battlefield that was behind him. Lady Athena looked out into the battlefield, and she looked at the man with the yellow glow around him. Her eyes grew wide as she realized who it was.

Paladin, despite the odds, he's still alive.

Lady Athena didn't hide her emotions, and she smiled at the sight of Paladin rising from the dead, charging straight towards the enemy in front of him. With no fear or no concern for his life. Stealing all the glory and honor for himself. Lady Athena then listened as other soldiers around her all noticed that Paladin.

"Who is that?"

"Is that--"

"It's the Lord Inquisitor! He's alive!"

"Damn bastard, he scared all of us! Hopefully he or one of the others will be the one that deals a final blow and kills this damn beast!"

Lady Athena, while smiling turned around to look at the soldiers who were talking amongst themselves, all of them turned to look at her.

"You're damn right that the Lord Inquisitor is alive, he's come back from the dead to steal all the glory and honor for himself! If you want the damn beast killed, then help the Lord Inquisitor Battlemages! Keep attacking the beast!"

"Yes Lady Athena!"

Paladin, getting in range of the Great Burning Minotaur's reach immediately attracted the attention of the Great Burning Minotaur. The Great Burning Minotaur's right eye turned to look down at Paladin, he smirked when he saw that Paladin was still alive.

"Die Augustus Cesar, Champion of Odin!" the Great Minotaur roared in a deep voice.

Instantly, Paladin looked to the right side of the Great Burning Minotaur, and watched as the Great Burning Minotaur raised his black Great dual bladed axe into the sky with only his right hand, and sent it straight towards Paladin.

"School of Wind, Tempest Speed!"

Suddenly, a flurry of wind appeared from around Paladin, his cape waving all around as the wind from Tempest speed increased Paladin's speed, and made him faster than the Great Burning Minotaur. As the Black dual bladed Axe held by the Great Burning Minotaur crashed into the ground, erupting the dirt from the ground and breaking it up into tiny pieces, Paladin jumped onto the top of the blade of the dual bladed axe, and started to run up the black shaft. To the shock of everyone who was looking on.

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