Chapter 106: The Lord Inquisitor awakes

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Paladin opened his eyes, he rubbed both of his eyes with his respective hands as he brought his torso up, and he looked over the end of the bed. Lady Athena's bed frame was made of dark wood, there were multiple white plump fluffy pillows up against the wall of the bed, and the sheets of the bed themselves were of a dark red. Paladin instantly recognized that Lady Athena's bed was of a King size. There were five white framed windows on the right side of the room, each of them were being covered by black curtains. On the farthest window away from Paladin, on the left hand side of it was a white door, with white framing. In front of the bed was a large dark brown drawer, with a red framed mirror.

"I assume you're fully awake Paladin."

Paladin turned to his left, and he saw Cameryn standing next to his bed. Cameryn was wearing the same silky red dress that Paladin last saw her wear, and she was holding onto the Staff of Odin. The Staff of Odin was a white staff with a white shaft, on top of the white shaft was a blazing golden flame, with fingers of a golden eagle claw extending from the sides of the top of the shaft, to the top of the flame, seemingly containing it within the claws.

"Cameryn? What are you doing here--" Palaidn turned his head, and his eyes quickly roamed around the room for only momentarily, before turning to look back at Cameryn. "Better yet, why am I here?"

Cameryn sighed, and she shook his head.

"I assume you're here because they needed to clear out more room for the other members of the Inquisition, they didn't want Lady Diane and Archer sharing a bed, and they didn't want Omega and Damien sharing a bed, they wanted each of the knocked out Inquisitors to have their own bed so they could fully recover. Noxious was moved to your room, and Damien was moved to my library--albeit it only temporarily."

As Cameryn was speaking to him, Paladin was looking down at the outfit that he was wearing. Paladin was wearing the same thing that the male members of House Athena wore, he was wearing a maroon suit jacket with black lapels, and golden buttons. Paladin's suit jacket was only buttoned to the second button up. He was wearing black suit pants, and he was wearing black socks. His eyes roamed around the room, he was looking for where his armor was.

"Before I respond to what you just said--where is all my stuff?"

"Lady Athena ordered that your armor would be cleaned and repaired, so your armor was taken off and replaced with--"

"Who took my armor off?" Paladin turned to look at Cameryn, he had a serious look on his face and spoke with a serious tone.

With blank stare, Cameryn replied to Paladin.

"Lady Athena, she took your armor off, and she replaced the amor with those clothes you have on."

Paladin sighed, and he crossed his arms. He should've expected that Lady Athena would be the one to change what he was wearing, Paladin always thought she went the extra mile when it came to helping others.

"Thanks for answering that--now my next question, why am I the only Inquisitor that is sharing a room with someone else?" Paladin asked.

"I assume that Lady Athena decided to use the opportunity as a way to be in the same bed as you, which if that was her intention, it worked flawlessly."

Paladin shook his head, he has known for awhile that Lady Athena is for some odd reason trying to share a bed with him, Paladin's metal thought then shifted to someone more important.

"Is any of the other Inquisitors awake, I'd assume that Omega or Noxious would be awake by now. Not only that, but how long have we've been asleep for? And what have I missed?"

Cameryn shook her head while she looked at Paladin.

"Not sure, you're the only one I've been checking in on. You've been completely asleep for three days, since the events with the Great Burning Minotaur. Currently it is the afternoon. Lady Athena and Captain Cassius are currently having a meeting, there has been discussion about what to do against the Icarus Cult. To attack the the Icarus Cult, or to not attack the Icarus Cult. But, the two of them haven't been able to agree on anything yet, and since you've only awoken now they haven't made any moves."

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