Chapter 103: Divine Intervention

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Standing from the bottom of the crushing black foot of the Great Burning Minotaur was Paladin. He was looking up at the foot of the Great Burning Minotaur, both of his arms stretched up towards the Great Burning Minotaur with open palms from his hands. Time was completely stopped, not a single person was moving around the battlefield, the Great Burning Minotaur himself was frozen, Omega was frozen looking upon at the crushing blow seemingly dealt to Paladin, Archer was holding up his black bow in a defensive stance to protect Lady Diane, Lady Athena was frozen while being held back by her two close House Athena members, Darius and Ava, and Paladin too was also frozen. While Paladin was frozen, he was unable to move his body a single inch or move his eyes at all. His glowing yellow eyes still looking directly up at the black foot, his ripped cape motionless behind him, and the flurry of wind that was behind him completely motionless. To the observer that was looking at the battlefield, seemingly the battlefield was a picture painted by one of the greatest artists to ever exist.

What is happening, why am I unable to move my body?

Unlike the others around him, Paladin while frozen was still able to think, Paladin still able to think in his mind and observe what was happening.

Why am I unable to use my last hail mary, my attempt to use wind blast to blast the foot of the Great Burning Minotaur away?

In the corner of Paladin's right eye, he was suddenly able to see movement that was not chained to the power of time being stopped. A yellow glowing glistening light appeared from the corner of his right eye, seemingly slowly moving towards him.

What is that bright light? Why isn't it bound to be frozen like I am and like the foot of the Great Burning Minotaur?

As the glistening yellow glowing light came closer, suddenly from out of nowhere a man appeared. The man had glowing yellow eyes, and he had a fair skin color. The man had a long fluffy white beard, and the top of his head was bald, but he had long white hair going down his back and coming down from the sides of his head. Paladin recognized that they shared similar heights as the man walked closer to him. Paladin noticed that the man was wearing regular white robes with no insignia, no particular design, and had no hood. Paladin then recognized the man.

Odin,The Apex God of Humanity? What is Odin doing here?

When Odin got closer to Paladin he smirked, and with his hands interlocked behind his back he slowly walked to the front of Paladin, and he looked up at Paladin. Paladin couldn't directly look at Odin, but he could tell that Odin was directly looking at him.

"Well my Champion, my Lord Inquisitor, look at the situation that you got yourself in," Odin said, as he looked up at the Black foot of the Great Burning Minotaur. "Teaming up with the Royal Military and House Athena, going on a mission to destroy the Icarus Cult once and for all, going on a mission that in all honestly was a suicide mission from the start, and risking yourself for the others around you."

Odin then turned and he looked on at Archer in the distance, who was holding his Black bow up, sighted at the Great Burning Minotaur. Odin then looked behind Archer, and noticed Lady Diane who was in a defenseless position. Odin instantly recognized what the situation was there, instantly recognized that Archer was willing to give himself up to protect what he found that was important to him.

Yeah Odin, it really doesn't sound that great does it? We set out on this suicide mission knowing that if the Great Burning Minotaur was released then we stood no chance, that no matter what we did we would be unable to stop the Great Burning Minotaur. I as the Lord Inquisitor of the Inquisition, accepted that as a reality, and really thought that together we could defy the odds that surrounded us. However, I was clearly wrong. The Great Burning Minotaur is too strong for us at this moment, even with the Blessing of Odin we couldn't even put a dent into the Great Burning Minotaur. This isn't the Legion of Death that we're fighting, but if they're more powerful than this, then in our current states we will stand no chance...even with the Sixth and Seventh Inquisitors.

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