Chapter 117: Prophecy

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The Inquisitors walked through a pitch black door frame together, most of them were equipped with their newly gained weapons. Paladin was holding Excalibur in his right hand and Omega was on the left side of Paladin and with his right hand he was holding onto the grip of Durandal. Noxious had Black Fire put away and Jingks did the same with his two newly gained curved short swords. Archer had his sword the King of Destruction sheathed in his scabbard at his right side. They were now standing in front of the door frame inside the room. The room was mostly pitch black, however they were able to see what the room was. Eight Pillars made of stone with the White Banners with the Golden Symbol of the Icarus Cult handing on the front of the eight pillars were circling around the center of the room, circling around what was seemingly a black vortex with two purple rings that were revolving around the vortex. The ground below them was made of stone bricks, and as Paladin looked over at what was possibly the walls to the room, he assumed that the walls were also made of stone bricks.

"So uhhh...anyone wanna talk about the new weapons we got?" Archer asked.

Paladin shook his head, as Noxious turned his head to look at Archer he looked down at the Cursed sword that was sheathed.

"My fucking Black Fire Halberd is more badass than you're fucking sword."

Archer tilted his head slightly and he looked behind the back of Noxious. He was looking for his new Halberd, however it wasn't visible.

"Excuse me, but how the fuck do we know that you even got a weapon?"

Noxious scoffed, immediately he took one of his hands and reached behind his back. Instantly, Black Fire appeared and he grabbed onto the shaft of the Halberd. He lifted Black Fire from his back with his right hand, and he planted Black Fire into the ground in front of him.

"As you can see, I clearly have a weapon--"

"Noxious that is literally the same fucking Halberd that you had before, there is no fucking difference at all!"

Noxious scoffed at the notion that Black Fire was not different from his previous Black Halberd, and he shook his head side to side quickly.

"Clearly you are a person that judges a book by its cover--" Noxious then raised his eyebrows while he had his helmet on, and he brought his head close to Archer. "That is one of your biggest faults, judging a book by its cover."

"Oh yeah? Well maybe if you judged a book by its cover you wouldn't be fucking every single fucking thing out there. Literally, you'd fuck anybody and anything with no exception. Whether they have common decency, whether they are a mother, whether they have a full set of teeth or not!"

"Oh yeah! Well atleast I fucking get something!" Noxious yelled back.

"Oh yeah! That something isn't worth--"

Suddenly, Archer was then interrupted from a rumbling sound from behind the Inquisitors. All of the Inquisitors turned to look behind them, and they watched as the entrance into the vortex room crumbled behind them. Large stone bricks collapsed behind them, blocking out the pathway from behind them and rendering the pathway back completely useless. Dust was coming off from the area, and as the Inquisitors looked at where they came in they could all hear clapping coming from behind them. All of the Inquisitors instantly turned back around, and they saw the last wall made of Icarus Cultists. Lord Sparrow, standing in front of the black vortex and near the center of the eight pillars made of stone was surrounded completely by an entire army of white cloaked Icarus Cultists. Paladin looked around the room, and he watched as slowly the white cloaks of the Icarus Cultists slowly appeared out from the pitch black of the large room. Lord Sparrow had his hood down and black mask down, and the solid white eyes of Lord Sparrow were looking directly into the eyes of Paladin.

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