Chapter 135: The Bigger Picture

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Paladin, still looking around the room trying to see where everyone went was confused. One moment, he felt the others standing around him, the next moment after Alexon pointed it out they were all gone. Not only that, but Paladin was left with only Alexon.

I'm separated from Ashley again, and if the last time I was separated from her indicated anything is that being separated from her isn't good. She doesn't have a lot of power, so she won't be able to effectively fight again like before against the Icarus Cult. Dammit, out of all the times for such a thing to happen! Out all of the times where we would be separated again! I hope Archer, Lady Diane, and Noxious will make sure that she is alright.

"Will you let go of my collar now?" Alexon asked, with an annoyed tone.

Paladin then turned to look back at Alexon, making his grip on Alexon's collar tighter.

"No, I'm not letting you go. Not until you tell me what's wrong, I'm not buying a single second that you are acting like this because you can't use magic. So tell me Alexon, what is wrong with you? What has happened in the time that I last saw you, and the time when we met each other again?"

Alexon looked at Paladin in his eyes, he could see from Paladin's eyes that Paladin was being serious, about getting to the bottom of what happened. Alexon sighed, he knew that Paladin was going to be relentless in trying to figure out what happened. Alexon, would never hear the end of questions if he didn't answer.

"Fine, I'll tell you what happened. So will you release me now?"

Paladin shook his head as he looked at Alexon.

"Not until after the story."

Alexon sighed again, as he figured that would be Paladin's answer. He turned his head to look around the room, making sure that nobody else was around. When he confirmed that nobody else was near the two of them, nobody that could berate Alexon, he looked back at Paladin.

"When I walked through the light, the massive bright light that there was back at the Mansion that covered the entire front of the door frame--"

"The one back in our world, the one where we originate from?"

Alexon nodded his head, confirming what Paladin said,

"Yes, when I walked through the light I found myself randomly teleported into the streets of Atlantis. In the middle of a marketplace, in the middle of the Royal District. When I first came here I was obviously confused, as I looked around the streets made of stone wondering how the hell I ended up here. I think I spent the first hour or two standing in the street, while people bumped into me and called me a lowly peasant--"

"Sounds like the King," Paladin said.

"Yes it does, but anyways. After spending about an hour or so in the street, actually I can't remember how much time I spent there exactly. A woman from out of nowhere approached me, a woman with long auburn hair, pale skin, blue eyes, and she was slightly shorter than me. Not only that, but she wore a long red dress with white flowers printed on her dress--"

"Her physical looks don't matter Alexon--"

"Yes they do, now don't interrupt." Alexon then waited for a few moments, as Paladin closed his mouth and waited for him to continue. "Me and the woman spoke to each other for an extended period of time, and after explaining my situation she was skeptical. However, when I told her I didn't know what I was doing in the world she invited me to her place. I agreed, seeing that I had nowhere else to go and nobody to talk to other than her. This woman who was very nice ran a library, with her home being the second floor of the library. When I stayed with this woman, I spent a lot of time talking with her. She asked me a lot of questions, to some extent she was interrogating me. Questions that ranged from what our world was like, and if I was playing a prank on her. During the course of this, she then started to teach me Magic. She was teaching me magic, day and night in her library. Teaching me all the spells she could, and how to use them. The first spell that she taught me was Clairvoyance, a standard spell, but upon using it the spell didn't work properly. It didn't show my level traits, it didn't show my type of magic, it didn't show anything. That was the first sign that I couldn't properly use magic in this world. While I was ready to give up trying, the woman was insisting I keep learning and trying. Motivated by her, everyday while we were alone in the library I spent all my time dedicated to researching, doing trial by error, and watching others to find a way to get magic down. At the same time I was doing this, I started to become very close with this woman."

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