Chapter 123: The Inquisition vs Lord Sparrow

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Back in the vortex room of the former House Odin mansion. Paladin was standing on the inside of the eight pillars, and he was standing at a distance in front of Lord Sparrow. Excalibur was being gripped by his right hand, and Paladin was looking directly at the face of Lord Sparrow.

"What are you waiting for, attack me!"

Standing off to the left side of Paladin, Omega had Durandal sheathed at his right side with both of the palms of both his hands having white balls made of flames on them. Like Paladin, Omega wasn't saying anything at all to the badgering Lord Sparrow. Standing off to the left side of Lord Sparrow, Jingks had both of his curved steel swords being gripped in both of his hands. He was looking directly at the side of Lord Sparrow, and two of the Black serpents were looking directly at him. Lord Sparrow smirked, and he turned to look at Jingks.

"How about you Inquisitor, are you ready to be a Hero and fight me?"

Jingks maintained his complete silence, not saying a single thing in response to the badgering Lord Sparrow. When Lord Sparrow realized that none of the three Inquisitors ready to face him were willing to speak, he crossed his arms and shook his head. At the same time, Paladin looked from behind Lord Sparrow. Noxious was standing at a distance from behind Lord Sparrow, Blackfire was being held onto by his right hand. Paladin watched as two of the Black serpents backs were to Paladin, as they were looking at Noxious. As Paladin noticed that Noxious was ready, Delta flew out from the blackness of the room and landed on Paladin's right shoulder. Paladin slowly turned his head to his right, and he looked at Delta.

"Archer is ready."

Paladin nodded his head, and he turned to look back at Lord Sparrow. Lord Sparrow grinned, and he gave out a deep yawn as he spoke.

"Such a shame Lord Inquisitor, it's a real shame that what happened had to happen. I lied to you earlier, I told you that Ashley was still alive. But, she's not and I bet you take some responsibility for her death, seeing that you allowed it to happen."

Paladin, while not physically reacting to what Lord Sparrow said, felt anger rise up within him. Paladin took his left hand, and he grabbed onto his bandana that was lowered on his chin, and he raised it to cover the bottom half of his mouth. As he let go of the bandana, instantly he placed his left hand on the handle of Excalibur, and he flipped the sword upside down. Lord Sparrow looked on curiously with, not knowing what the Inquisitor was doing.

"And what are you planning on doing Lord Inquisitor, you finally going to attack me?"

Instantly, Paladin planted Excalibur into the ground. Instantly, the long golden blade of Excalibur started to glow gold, and suddenly golden flames shot forth from Excalibur. The golden flames ripping across the ground made of stone bricks, the golden flames being directly aimed for Lord Sparrow. Lord Sparrow smirked, and he held out his left hand's open palm.

"Power of Icarus, Shield of Blackwater."

His left hand's open palm glowed black from the black glowing ball on his hand, and instantly in front of him and in front of the golden flames shot forth from Excalibur was a black shield made of blackwater. The golden flames of Excalibur hit the black shield, and instantly Lord Sparrow started to sweat from his forehead as he felt the immense power from the Sacred Weapon that belonged to Paladin. Playing off the power of the sword however, he clapped with both of his hands.

"Is that all you got Lord Inquisitor? Because I must say, for a one on one I certainly have the advantage."

Suddenly, Omega then proceeded to move in a baseball pitcher's motion and he started to quickly and repeatedly throw white glowing balls made of white flames at Lord Sparrow. Lord Sparrow turned his head, and he watched as white balls made of flames came directly for him. He took out his right hand's open palm, and he aimed it in the general direction from where the white balls were coming from.

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