Chapter 150: Barcesar | Negotiations

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Walking inside the Tower of Barcesar together, Paladin and Messiah looked all around the Tower, both of them having different thoughts about the Tower. Paladin looked around the giant lobby, looking around at the floor area of the Tower. The walls of the inside of the Tower were made of stone bricks, while the floor was also made of stone bricks. Hanging up on the walls, were spread out white banners of House Odin, with the golden symbol of Odin sitting in the middle of the banner. The banners circled around, being used as decoration. In the center of the room, there was a central pillar with a carved in symbol of Odin at the top, the symbol being grey and dull as it was carved out of stone. Directly at the top of the Tower, there was a hole large enough to fit the radius of the symbol of Odin. In the back of the room, Paladin could see a large gold framed door, the door being large enough to fit twenty people in at once. Paladin placed his left hand on the bottom of his chin, rubbing his chin as he examined the room.

"What a fucking piece of shit! Who's idea was it to have banners hanging up one the walls, a mostly empty room, and a random pillar in the middle of the room? I demand to know!" Messiah exclaimed.

"I'm guessing it was my idea back then, I'm not really a particular one for the details of buildings. As Long as it works, I don't really care," Paladin replied.

"Well that is stupid! Because, now we have a piece of fucking shit that we'll have to look at every single time we come around here!" Messiah exclaimed.

Alexon, standing next to the central pillar shook his head, he then turned to look at Paladin.

"My suspicions turned out to be true Paladin--" As Alexon spoke, Paladin turned to look at him. "The Tower of Barcesar is currently dead, none of it will work at the moment, and until it works again there will be no leaving the island. So I'll have to repair it."

"How long will it take to repair the Tower?" Paladin asked.

"I'm not sure, it can depend on a few factors. But, at most, I assume it will take a few days to get the Tower back into an operational status. Once the Tower is fixed, I believe the Island should return back to a tropical paradise again, perfect for maintaining a food source and such--"

"That's wonderful, because I hate the damn cold," Paladin interjected.

"In the meantime though, I'd suggest doing something to keep yourself occupied," Alexon said.

"What could I do to keep myself occupied? There's nothing on this island," Paladin asked.

Messiah, while standing behind Paladin cleared his throat, and while Paladin turned to look at him he started pacing around.

"You know Paladin, I have an idea that could keep you occupied.."

"Let me guess, you want to redecorate the Tower?"

"Well...while I'd like to do that at some point, that is not what I had in mind. If you remember what I mentioned earlier, I made the suggestion that it would be smart to bring the Three Kingdoms of Reach together under the banner of the Inquisition. Since already have one, and since we have the time, we might as well bring the other two under the Inquisition," Messiah explained.

Paladin was rubbing his chin with his left hand that was still on his chin, thinking about Messiah's idea. Before Alexon got to work, he cleared his throat and turned to look at Paladin.

"I agree with Messiah Paladin. It would be wise to bring the other two Kingdoms under the banner of the Inquisition, despite how complicated it could be, considering the events that have happened between the Matriarchy and the Crimson Kingdom."

Paladin sighed, then he nodded his head while he looked at Messiah.

"Very well, we'll work on unifying the Kingdoms under the banners of the Inquisition. But, out of curiosity--" Paladin then turned to look at Alexon. "If Noxious is the Demon King shouldn't the Matriarchy be under the banner of the Inquisition already?"

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