Chapter 154: Kingdoms of Reach

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Back at the original meeting point between the two delegations. Paladin had his arms crossed, watching as Amy and Crazy shook hands with each other in front of him. At the same time. Rabbit, crossed his arms and shook his head, biting his tongue and refusing to say anything.

"I agreed to the terms in their entirety Crazy. I hope because of what I have agreed to, both of our Kingdoms can have a bright future under the banner of the Inquisition."

"Agreed Amy, agreed. I'm glad to hear you say that, and I wish your Kingdom good fortune for now and for the far future."

Messiah, standing back at the side of the road, had Archer standing to the right of him, Noxious standing to the left side of him, with Lady Diane on his far right and Ashley on his far left. They all watched as the agreement became official, making the Cold War between the Crimson Kingdom and the now Demon Duumvirate come to an end. Archer, leaning over in Messiah's direction, spoke just for him and Messiah to hear.

"Out of curiosity Messiah. How do you think Paladin got Amy to change her mind so quickly? What we did to lighten up the mood did nothing, so he must've pulled something off."

Messiah nodded his head. While he didn't know the exaction situation, from the end of Paladin and Amy's conversation he could figure out a few things.

"At the end of Amy and Paladin's conversation. Paladin told Amy the Inquisition would assist in reclaiming lost lands, per the agreement that was made. Going based off of that, there was more at stake for her than this island. I highly doubt the lost lands they were referring to, are on this island," Messiah explained.

"You think he got us into another war?" Archer asked.

"Assumably. As a Race you don't lose land, unless if you are forced out of it. Think about the Native Americans, how they were forced out of their own territory by the American government for an example. Going off of that logic, he agreed to be involved in another war. I'd like to assume however, that the war we'd be participating in would be after the Legion of Death is dealt with."

"Well then--" Archer spoke as he turned to look back at Paladin, Crazy, and Amy. "It is safe to assume then, that the Inquisition is going to be very busy after the war with the Legion of Death."

"Indeed it will be. How busy the Inquisition will be will depend on a few factors as well. Typically, war causes destruction, so it is safe to assume that we'll be rebuilding everything that is lost. That rebuild, being determined by how much is destroyed of course--"

"Of course," Archer replied.

"Moving onto a possible other explanation of why Amy possibly agreed to Paladin's attempt to fix the problem. We can't rule out the fact that she wasn't thinking clearly for a bit, as she was angered by Rabbit badly. Likely, after some time when talking to Paladin, she started to become cooled down and started to think clearly. If the Lost lands thing is true, then she doesn't care about this island that much. She would only care for two things, regaining what was lost, and regaining the Demon King. To that point, I'm impressed by her--"

"Why?" Archer asked.

"Well, she managed to accomplish everything she assumably needed to. Going off of all my assumptions. She needed Noxious to embrace the role of the Demon King fully, she got that. She used the unification Paladin wanted as leverage, and made Noxious surrender himself to the role. Then she wanted Paladin to agree to assist with her Lost lands, and clearly she used the negotiations with Crazy, and Paladin's need to unify the Kingdoms as a way to have Paladin agree to helping. She's very clever," Messiah explained.

Crazy, finished shaking the hand of Amy, turned his head and he looked at Paladin.

"Paladin, it is with my great honor that I can properly inform you. As the Crimson King, I accept the terms of unification presented by the Inquisition," Crazy said.

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