Chapter 114: Fuck off Dorian

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A man wearing the white cloak of the Icarus Cult walked out from the darkness of the inside of the mansion, he was wearing a white hood over his head, and was wearing a black mask that covered the bottom half of his face. The man had dark red eyes, and as he walked out an entire new Army of white cloaked Cultists walked out from behind him. Paladin then watched, as more Cultists from the forest that surrounded the mansion then started to appear, all of them making a wall on each side of the courtyard.

"Who are you?" Paladin asked.

The white cloaked Cultists smirked from under his mask, and he raised both of his hands into the air above him.

"I am one of the two Altum Chaplains that remain in this world--"

"One of two?" Noxious interjected in confusion.

"One of them was squished by the Great Burning Minotaur." Jingks said, as he turned to look at Noxious.

"Oh yeah."

The Altum Chaplain brought both of his hands down, and he held his right hand over his heart.

"I am Dorian, and today I will be teaching the Inquisition a valuable lesson!"

The Inquisitors for a brief moment stood still, none of them moving an inch while they were all looking at the threat in front of them. Then suddenly, Noxious would burst out into laughter. Paladin sighed, and he sheathed his sword into the scabbard at his right side. He crossed his arms, and he looked at the Altum Chaplain. Before Paladin could say anything, Omega beat him to it.

"What the fuck do you mean by teaching us a lesson? Have you not seen the entire battle that has been happening? Your Icarus Cult has been getting fucked by us Five Inquisitors alone, and the scraps are being cleaned up by the rest of the Coalition! What the fuck makes you think you're special?"

"Hey Dorian, how about you do us all a favor and not even bother to reply. In fact, how about you do all of us a favor and just fuck off!" Archer yelled.

Dorian chuckled at the Inquisitors, he was amused by the attitudes that Archer, Noxious, and Omega had for him. As Altum Chaplain Dorian was chuckling, he clapped his hands repeatedly together. He looked over at Paladin and Jingks, both of whom who were completely silent.

"How about you two? Does either of you wanna say anything...that will be dismantled in a few minutes?"

"I don't need to say anything, anything that I say will be repeating what Omega and Archer have already essentially stated--" Jingks was interrupted.
"And let the record be known, that while I didn't say anything I made my thoughts perfectly clear on the matter!" Noxious interjected.

"And realistically there is no reason for me to talk here with you, Altum Chaplain Dorian," Jingks said.

Altum Chaplain Dorian nodded his head up and down, acknowledging and understanding the reasons why Jingks didn't speak.

"So what about you then, Lord Inquisitor?"

Paladin sighed when Dorian said his title within the Inquisition, and he shook his head.


"Hey wait a second Dorian--" Archer interrupted Paladin.

"What is it?" Dorian asked, while he looked at Archer.

"Wasn't there Three Altum Chaplains or some bullshit? Like, I swear to God that there was a third Altum Chaplain around here or something?" Archer asked, in an attempt to get on the nerves of the Altum Chaplain Dorian.

"Well you see...he died a dutiful death--" Dorian spoke with a soft voice.

"Oh wait that is right--" Archer clapped both of his hands together and spoke over Dorian. "He was fucking squished by the Great Burning Minotaur, squished by the thing that was meant to destroy us! Oh man that fucking sucks, such a shame we couldn't kill the Great Burning Minotaur before he died. Real shame, I would've liked to have killed him. He must've been a real loser, similar to the person who is standing in front of the mansion door right now, also known as the loser named Altum Chaplain Dorian. "

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