Chapter 119: An Experienced and Skilled Player

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Lord Sparrow stood in the center of the eight pillars, still standing from the spot before the fighting even began. They all watched as Lord Sparrow then threw his snake shaped steel bladed sword at the ground, and Paladin tilted his head in confusion.

"I assume that means you're surrendering?"

Lord Sparrow grinned, and he shook his head. He then held out both of his hands open palms, and Paladin watched as two black balls made of vortexes appeared in both of his hands.

"No...this is only just the beginning."

Noxious turned and looked around the room, he didn't see a single person other than Lord Sparrow still standing from the Icarus Cult. With a confused look on his face, Noxious looked back at Lord Sparrow.

"Excuse me, but what the fuck do you mean that this is only just the beginning? Have you noticed? Your entire Army of Icarus Cultists have been defeated, you're the only man left that is still standing!"

Lord Sparrow smirked, and he clapped his hands while they still had both of their black void like glows in his palms.

"And I congratulate you on your ability to be able to defeat such an Army, but I truly planned on this happening--"

"Planned on this happening! You have nothing left that can be used to defeat--"

Noxious then stopped speaking as he watched Lord Sparrow. Making all the Inquisitors watch in awe, four stringy long black snakes attached to the back of Lord Sparrow emerged into the sight of the Inquisitors. Each of the snakes had dark black eyes, and their skin was completely black. All of the snakes were directly looking at Noxious, their black tongues being pointed directly at the Inquisitor. Lord Sparrow smiled and he crossed his arms.

"Now, the real battle begins."

"No--now it fucking ends!"

"Noxious wait--"

Paladin couldn't stop Noxious from charging forward, and he watched as Noxious charged straight at Lord Sparrow and the Four Black snakes that were attached to the back of him. Noxious charged forward while holding onto Black Fire with both of his hands on the shaft, however he was quickly stopped. Paladin watched as Lord Sparrow held out the open palm of his right hand, the black ball made of a vortex was in his right hand.

"Power of Icarus, Black Wind Blast."

Suddenly, black winds repelled forth from the open palm of Lord Sparrow. The Black winds flying straight for the Inquisitor, when the Black Winds hit the Inquisitor it took the Inquisitor off his feet and sent him flying back. Noxious held onto Blackfire while he was taken off his feet, and as he landed back down he planted Blackfire onto the ground so he could keep himself up and off the ground. When the Black winds stopped moving forward out from the open palm of Lord Sparrow, he smirked gleefully.

"Like I said, the real battle begins now Inquisitor. You have no chance at beating me, not a single thing will be in your favor."

"You just got fucking lucky! That is all!" Noxious yelled.

Lord Sparrow shook his head as his arms were still crossed, he was still smiling as he did so. Lord Sparrow then turned his head to look over at his left, and he watched as Jingks attempted to leaped forward at him and out of his eyesight.

"Not today Inquisitor."

Lord Sparrow held out his left hand at Jingks, and instantly the Black snakes attached to Lord Sparrow slithered over to Jingks. Each time one of the snakes got close, Jingks would use reversive movement and seemingly teleport from position to position. Moving out of the way of the Black Snakes that dived into the ground and attempting to catch the Inquisitor. As Jingks teleported to a new position however, one of the Black Snakes were waiting from him. Not to the surprise of Jingks, the black snake quickly wrapped itself around the chest and the arms of the Inquisitor. Forcing the Inquisitor to drop both of his curved steel swords. Lord Sparrow smiled as he looked at Jingks who was wrapped up by the Black serpent.

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