Chapter 128: Long journey ahead

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Having a meeting in the Office of the Lord Inquisitor, all the current Inquisitors were together in the room, not a single one of them being left out. Paladin was leaning up against his desk with his arms crossed, while Delta was sitting off to Paladin's right side on the desk of the Lord Inquisitor. Noxious was laying on the couch to Paladin's left, occupying the entirety of the couch. He was laying his head against the arm of the couch that was farthest from Paladin, with his legs laying on the couch arm opposite of his head. Omega was sitting on the couch opposite to Noxious, both of his feet were on the ground and he was looking over at Noxious.

"You getting all comfy there Noxious?"

"You know damn well I am, gotta be ready for this long meeting."

Sitting on the couch directly opposite to Paladin, Jingks and Archer were sitting down on the same couch together. Archer was laying his back against the couch, and had his right leg crossed over his left knee. While Jingks, was sitting upright and was looking directly at Paladin. In the middle of the room, and in the middle of all the Inquisitors. Was a large brown table, with nothing on top of it. Paladin cleared his throat, while all the Inquisitors seemed to have been ready for the meeting.

"I assume we're ready for the meeting to start?" Paladin asked, as he turned his head to look at each of the others Inquisitors.

Omega held up his left hand's index finger at Paladin, signalling that he wanted to say something before the meeting started.

"Before we start this meeting, I want to address a few things--" Omega then turned to look across at Noxious, "I want to address the spending habits of our fellow Inquisitors here, and have a quick conversation about how we should be spending our money."

Noxious immediately moved his feet over to the floor, as he sat upright and was looking directly across at Omega.

"I don't know why you're looking at me, I haven't spent a dime on a single useless thing," Noxious said as he crossed his arms, taking offence to Omega challenging him.

"Oh really Noxious? Because I saw the purchases you've made. You can't tell me that spending over two thousand coins on a bunch of Succubus at a bar in the Capital City--" Omega was then interrupted by Noxious who yelled back at him.

"If we're considering the amount he's spent in entirety, Noxious has spent over thirty thousands coins on Succubus places in the Capital City," Delta interjected.

"But, they were twins Omega! Twins man! You would've done the same thing, like imagine getting your--" Noxious then attempted to speak about what the Succubus twins did to him, as he started to make hand gestures.

"No-no-no you don't have to tell us!" Omega exclaimed, as he waved both of his hands at Noxious signalling for Noxious to stop.

Archer sighed, shaking his head in disappointment at Noxious, he crossed his arms.

"I'm really disappointed with you Noxious, spending money earned by all our businesses on useless things is gonna put a dent on us in the long run. We have more important things to spend money on."

Noxious then quickly turned to his left, looking straight at Archer.

"Look at the one who is talking! You spent how much money on ordering specially designs armor, weapons, and other types of gear from some Blacksmith--"
"Armor that will be used by our own Militants, what I ordered is something that will benefit everyone."

"But, will the armor even work! And if the armor doesn't, is there a return policy!"

Paladin sighed, he then took his right hand and planted his right hand's palm straight onto his face. He was disappointed with how the money has been spent by the other Inquisitors, however something more important needed to be discussed. Omega, noticing that Paladin was staying out of the conversation, noticing that Paladin was disappointed, remembered something about Paladin.

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