Chapter 133: Kraken It!

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After clearing out the Second Trial room, the Inquisition proceeded through the opening in the rock wall that would lead into the hallway directing them to the Third Trial. As the Inquisition marched towards the Third Trial room, Paladin, with Delta on his shoulder was completely silent as he marched in front of the entire group. From behind him, Alexon was following. Alexon had his head looking at the ground, but he could hear the conversation going on from behind him.

"Hey good stuff Archer, I was very impressed with your fighting against those Knights!"

Archer smirked, he then crossed his arms and nodded his head.

"Thanks Noxious, I found that the Knights were too easy. Honestly, anybody could have beaten those guys, and I mean anybody!"

Noxious tilted his head over his right shoulder, he was curious on who else would've easily have beaten the Knights.

"Oh really, any particular type of person you have in mind?"

"Well Noxious, let's be honest here. When I say anybody, I mean anybody. Hell, even somebody without magic, training, or any experience could've beaten them! You'd have to be a real loser in order to not be able to fight them!"

Archer then started to laugh, while Noxious nodded his head up and down agreeing with what Archer stated.

"Agreed! Agreed!"

Alexon grunted while he marched in between the rest of the Inquisitors. Because of how the hallway was, everybody around Noxious and Archer could hear their conversation. Paladin shook his head as he listened, knowing that Archer was just trying to mess with Alexon.

Let's hope Alexon can figure out his problems soon, so this will all stop.

When the Inquisition reached the opening into the next Trial area, yet again they were in a room that was almost exactly the same as the last area. However, instead of there being castle like walls the room was entirely empty. They all came to a stop in the room, all of them looking around into the room that was filled with absolutely nothing but sand as the floor. Paladin scratched the back of his head with his left hand, confused on what the Third Trial was supposed to be.

"Uh--Um--is there supposed to be an empty room?" Paladin asked, as he turned to look at Alexon.

Alexon, looking around the room out of curiosity turned to look back at Paladin. He shook his head.

"I've never been through the Trials before so I couldn't tell you, maybe this is normal maybe it isn't? What does it matter anyways--" Alexon then crossed his arms, "You guys are going to breeze through it all like it is nothing."

"Good point," Paladin said, he then turned to look back out into the room.

Noxious, looking around the room and not seeing any threats he shrugged his shoulders. As he shrugged his shoulders, he then started to walk towards the opening in the rock wall on the other side of the room.

"Well I guess if there is nothing here, then we might as well proceed to the next Trial."

Noxious then walked past Paladin, as he walked straight for the opening in the rock wall on the other side of the room.

"Maybe you should wait before--"

Paladin was then interrupted, as Archer bumped into his left shoulder as he walked by him. Paladin then turned to look at his left, he watched as Lady Diane joined Archer who was joining Noxious in walking towards the opening on the other side of the room.

"There's nothing here Paladin, let's go."

Paladin sighed, and he started to walk behind Lady Diane as he was following the lead of everyone else. As he started to follow them, Alexon slowly followed Paladin, while Ashley fast walked up until she was walking off to the left shoulder of Paladin. As Noxious reached the middle of the room, suddenly a blue glowing light flashed throughout the room out from the rock wall opening. Instantly, everyone in the room stopped walking and all of them were looking around.

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