Chapter 141: Cold Breeze

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Archer, standing next to the wooden railing of the ship was looking far out into the ocean ahead of the ship. Far in the distance, as he squinted his eyes he could see a large island being shadowed by clouds. It took him a few moments, but when Archer realized that the island he was looking out was likely the one where the Seventh Inquisitor was, he turned and elbowed Lady Diane who was standing to the right side of him. Lady Diane, looking at the mast of the ship when Archer elbowed her, turned her head right and looked at him.

"Hey Mordred."

"What is it Archer?"

"I think I see the island, the one where we're supposed to be heading to. Here let me show you--"

Archer then grabbed her right hand, and he turned her around. Lady Diane blushed, as Archer pushed her index finger out and pointed it directly at the island. Lady Diane, while blushing turned her head to look at where Archer was pointing at, with her hand. When she saw the island Archer was talking about, her eyes grew wide and she nodded her head.

"You're right Archer, that must be it. There is no other islands around here at all, for the most part we've seen nothing besides that island."

"I thought so--"

As the ship started to close its distance with the island, the clouds that shadowed the island started to move out of the way and both of them could see the Island clearly. The island was large, having tall pine trees scattered all along the shore. Next to the shore was a large mountain, with the top of the mountain blanketed in snow. The mountain was so tall that it reached into the sky, with the top of the mountain pointing out like a knife blade. Archer looked on at the shore, and he could see that the entire shore was blanketed in white snow. Not a single part of the shore was not blanketed in snow, except various spots of green grass under the tall pine trees. As the ship got closer to the island, a cold breeze flew by both Archer and Lady Diane, causing Lady Diane's hair to fly by Archer's face. Archer, feeling the cold breeze dropped Lady Diane's hand, and immediately crossed his arms together as he started to shiver. Because of the metal plating of his armor being unable to sufficiently deal with the cold weather.

"Why is it so cold?"

Lady Diane chuckled when she saw Archer had crossed his arms and was shivering, she then shook her head.

"It's cold because of the climate that we're now sailing into. From the looks of the island, it seems that we'll be dealing with this the entire time--" Lady Diane then scratched the bottom of her chin with her left hand, as she thought about how odd it was. "I do find it a bit odd though, considering that we're not that far south all things considered. We shouldn't be finding this time of climate here, I think."

As Archer was cold from the cold breeze flying in, he started to stutter.

"E-E-Either w-w-way M-Mordred...I hope we're not on this island too long, I wouldn't mind the cold if I was prepared to deal with it."

As Archer replied to Lady Diane, both Alexon and Noxious walked up to Archer from behind. The two of them were not affected by the change in climate, as the two of them were standing steady, neither of them showing any reaction to the cold weather. Noxious, when he saw Archer with his arms crossed and shivering smirked, he then crossed his arms.

"Are you cold Archer?" Noxious asked.

Both Archer and Lady Diane turned to look at Noxious, and when Archer look at Noxious he nodded his head as he brought his hands together, and blew warm air into them.

"W-W-what do you think jac-jack-jackass, of course I'm f-fucking cold. Can't you f-fucking tell d-d-d-dipshit."

Alexon shook his head as Archer stuttered in his response to Noxious. Noxious smiled while he watched Archer suffered, and smiled as he knew a solution to Archer's problem, but it was a solution that he wasn't going to speak of.

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