Chapter 136: Date Scheduled, Money wasted

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As more Sea serpents were charging straight for them, both Archer and Lady Diane smirked. Archer leaped forward, and while gripping the King of Destruction he cut straight down through the first sea serpent in front of him. When his sword fully sliced through the serpent, he then turned his sword and slashed at the sea serpent directly to his left. While at the same time, Lady Diane charged forward and grabbed the serpent on the right side of Archer by its neck with her left hand, and using her sword she penetrated through the eyes of the serpent. As her sword penetrated through, water sprayed down onto her armor and face like a hose. Soaking her completely, much to the annoyance of Lady Diane. She threw the serpent away quickly, as she did so she looked down at her armor and began to examine herself. Her hair was soaked, her armor was soaked and the clothing under it as well. Upon seeing that she was soaked completely, she quickly became annoyed with the serpents.

Dammit! I wanted to make sure I looked my absolute best for this entire journey! Minus what happened on the ship, I thought I was doing a pretty good job! But now, that has all been ruined! What is Archer going to think of me now! Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!

As Archer finished the last of the sea serpents, with water dripping down the King of Destruction's black blade he sheathed the sword in his scabbard at his right side. Archer then turned to look at Lady Diane, who was nervously shaking with her fists made from her hands as she was angered by her appearance being ruined by the Serpents. Lady Diane had her back turned to Archer, and she couldn't tell that Archer was examining her with his eyes.

I wonder what Mordred is angered about...she's probably thinking and is likely annoyed with how long it's taking me to have the relationship progress from where it is currently, which honestly I wouldn't blame her. I'm taking an incredibly slow approach to this entire relationship thing, for obvious reasons. But, I wonder if I should speed things up here. It's been a straight month since the events including the Great Burning Minotaur and the Icarus Cult, I think typically in relationships things are more advanced by this time. Maybe I should do something about this, if it keeps being this slow to progress she may leave me for somebody else--which would make me pissed off more than anything else!

Archer sighed heavily, and he cleared his throat as he was about to speak to Mordred.


Lady Diane's eyes grew wide as she heard Archer's voice from behind her, and she began to scramble to get her soaked self dried. Trying to stop water from dripping down her face.

Oh no! He's noticed that I'm not looking like my normal self at the current moment, and he's about to make a comment about my appearance isn't he! Damn you sea serpent! Why did you have to spray water down upon me! Why did you have to soak me! Damn you--Damn you!

Lady Diane then turned to look at Archer, and she forced a smile when she looked at Archer.

"Yes Archer?"

"I have a question for you..."

"What is it?"

Behind Lady Diane's lying face that showed confidence, she was hiding her emotions.

Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! I should've taken some precautions against the sea serpent, I should've done something so I would've looked at my absolute best for him!

Archer paused a few moments before opening his mouth, he breathed deeply through his nose as he prepared himself for what he was about to say.

"Would you Mordred like to--after we clear the Trials, and absolutely only if you are willing. Go out to a place together in the City of Atlantis, like a theatre, restaurant, or anything else that we could possibly think of?"

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