Chapter 124: We're not done yet, but neither is he

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Pushing through the mountain of rubble that collapsed onto the top of him, Paladin was forcibly pushing himself out from the mountain of rubble that had completely buried him. Slowly, he pushed stone bricks in bulk out of his way, until he was able to climb to the top of the mountain that buried him. As he reached the top of the mountain, his eyesight was blurry and he was coughing heavily. He bent over as he coughed, making a fist with his left hand and holding the fist at his mouth. Excalibur was sheathed into the scabbard at his right side, still attached to him and seemingly loyal as ever. As centuries old stone bricks had caused blinding dust to blanket the room completely, sunlight flowed in from the now broken roof. As Paladin's eyesight returned to him fully, he stopped bending over as he was coughing and with his right hand he was waving all the grey dust away from him. As the dust started to clear up, Paladin could see into the room clearly. The room was completely unrecognizable, as mountains of debris covered every single part of the room, not a single part of the room wasn't affected. Broken chairs, broken tables, broken beds, and library books were all over the room. Paladin looked up towards where the ceiling used to be, and he could see the remains of the first and second floors of the House Odin mansion. Green vines were all over the stone bricks that were still standing, with the first and second floors slightly bending over towards the basement of the room. As Paladin started to cough again, Delta flew down onto his right shoulder.

"Delta, what the hell happened?"

"Lord Sparrow activated some spell that caused a large explosion over the entire area, causing the centuries old building to collapse in on itself. As you can see, the entire first floor and second floor caved in, with the roof caving in as well on top of us."

As Delta was speaking, Paladin was looking around the room. He watched, as Jingks used his teleportation and appeared on top of one of the mountains made of stone debris far on the opposite side of him. Paladin looked to Jingks' left, and he could see Omega breaching the top of the mountain made of debris. As he reached the top, he bent over and immediately started to cough up all the dust and debris that got into his mouth. Paladin turned to look at the far right, and he could see Noxious picking himself off the ground. He had his hand over his helmet, as his helmet had scratches all over and had a dent in the side from stone bricks falling on top of it. Paladin then looked closer to him, and he could see Archer on the side of one of the mountains. Laying up against the mountain made of stone debris, he looked towards the middle of the room. Archer seemed to have been relaxing, and suddenly in his left hand a white cigarette appeared. He took the cigarette and planted it in his mouth, then a small black fire that appeared in his left hand lit up the end of the cigarette. Paladin sighed deeply, and he turned to look back at the middle room as he thought to himself.

I guess we all need some sort of outlet for relaxation. I assume he used Emulation, to create the cigarette.

As Paladin turned to look at the middle of the room, he looked over the large bubble like mountain of debris that was sitting in the middle of the room. The part of the room that Paladin was looking out at was where the black vortex to enter the domain of Icarus used to be, where the Eight pillars that circled around used to be. Paladin sighed deeply, and he thought to himself.

While the outcome of fighting the Great Burning Minotaur didn't go our way, at the very least, the fighting with Lord Sparrow and the destruction of the Icarus Cult has gone our way. Ashley, Snow, and Arryn have finally been avenged.

Suddenly, a large stone pillar with Lord Sparrow standing on top of the pillar quickly broke out from the bubblelike mountain made of stone debris, and caused stone bricks to fly everywhere. The stone pillar was surrounded by a glowing black bubble as it flew up, and the black vortex into the domain of Icarus was still where it had been standing since the Inquisitors arrived into the room. Lord Sparrow was sweating so much, that pools made of sweat were sitting at his feet, and were dripping down the side of the stone pillar. As the black glow around the stone pillar disappeared, Lord Sparrow was panting as he looked at Paladin. He raised both of his hands separately, he then yelled out.

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