Chapter 142: Shocked and Cold

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Archer, soaked by the ice cold water of the ocean slowly crawled onto the snow blanketed shore of the island. When Archer reached a far enough distance from the ice cold water, he rolled over onto his back and he looked up at the blue sky. Every single time Archer breathed, he could see his own cold breath coming out of his mouth. Archer was calm, not panicking like any of the other sailors or worried about his current condition. He accepted his condition, and slowly he started to close his eyes as he was tired.

I wonder where Mordred is at the current moment, is she safe? Is she in trouble? I haven't seen her since going below ship to try to find some warmer gear, I hope she is doing good despite the circumstances. I should go find her...but I'm so tired right now.

Seemingly only after a minute, Archer opened his eyes as he heard footsteps coming towards him from the ocean. Footsteps, that were from a person seemingly soaked from the ice cold water. Archer pushed himself up, and he saw who it was. Paladin, completely soaked by the ice cold water from head to toe, had his arms crossed as he was shivering from how cold he was.

"It's not a good idea to sit down and stop moving Archer, it is best that you stand up and keep moving stay warm," Paladin said, as he walked by Archer.

"H-h-how about you f-fu-fuck off and I'll d-d-do w-what I w-want," Archer replied, stutterring because of how cold he was.

Paladin stopped walking and stood next to Archer as he spoke, as Archer finished speaking Paladin shook his head and sighed. Paladin then looked around the area where the two of them landed, attempting to make an assessment of the situation that they were in.

"Out of curiosity Archer, have you've seen anybody else around here? Any of the sailors, the Captain, or anybody that we are particularly close with?"

Archer closed his eyes and shook his head. From his knowledge, he had landed on the shore only moments ago, and he hadn't seen anybody else besides Paladin.

"N-no P-P-Paladin, you're the first p-person I've seen since I j-j-jumped off the s-ship. I thought about searching for M-M-Mordred, but I was so t-t-tired when I got here."

"Lady Diane and Noxious were the first ones to jump off ship--according to Alexon, so I hope the two of them are alright--" Paladin sighed, he then turned to look out into the ice cold ocean as he was shivering. He noticed that the ship was now completely gone, with the black serpents having disappeared with it. Paladin looked into the ocean for something that would signify the ship was previously there, however, he could see nothing. No crates, no people, no bodies, no debris, nothing could be seen that would signify there being a ship that went under. "I hope Ashley is alright." Paladin said under his breath.

Paladin and Archer, as they were quiet for a few moments then started to hear footsteps in the snow coming towards them. Paladin turned his head right, looking into the direction of where he could hear the footsteps coming from, while Archer looked into the sky. Paladin saw the blurry figure of a person walking straight towards him and Archer, and when rubbed his eyes he could see the person clearly. Alexon, seemingly unaffected by the ice cold water and completely dry, was walking through the snow that blanketed the shore and straight towards the two Inquisitors. Archer rolled his head over to the right of him, and when he opened his eyes he saw Alexon.

How the hell is he dry? Didn't he jump in the ice cold water like the rest of everyone? Don't tell me he used some water walking bullshit magic to escape, if he did, I'd be extremely pissed off.

"Paladin, Archer, how are the two of you doing?" Alexon asked as he approached the two of them. "Have you seen anyone else so far? Any of the sailors, Noxious, Lady Diane, or Ashley by any chance?"

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