Chapter 134: Breaking Point

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As the Inquisition proceeded down the hallway to the Fourth Trial, almost the entire group was speaking amongst themselves. Paladin was speaking with Ashley, as Noxious was speaking with Archer and Lady Diane. The only person out of the entire group that wasn't speaking was Alexon, who was looking at the ground and being quiet.

"Do you remember the events that happened, after you fell out of the sky Paladin?"

"What do you mean by events that happened after me falling out of the sky, you talking about days or hours after? There's a big difference there."

"I'm talking about immediately after you falling out of the sky, like when I first found you out there on the Mansion steps."

Paladin, placing his left hand on the bottom of his chin, proceeded to think about things that he remembered that happened after he fell out of the sky.

"No I don't remember any of it."

"Really? Well let me tell you--"

As the two of them are having a conversation, Noxious while talking to Lady Diane was chuckling.

"You're telling me that you've been to numerous clubs, but never had an entire crew of women surrounded you?" Noxious asked.

Lady Diane chuckled and she shook her head, acknowledging she had never experienced what Noxious was talking about. While she did so, Archer, who was standing in between them kept looking forward. He wasn't contributing to the conversation, but he was listening to it.

"Let me tell you something right now--and don't tell Paladin this, about something that I did long ago. So get this, one time on one of our missions in this country Korea. I snuck outside the hotel that we were operating out of right--"

"Right," Lady Diane interjected.

"And I visited this place called a Red Light District, which basically was a prostitution place with women standing in windows and such--"

Archer sighed loudly, interrupting what Noxious was saying.

"You do know Paladin had a conference meeting with a group of people, because of you you doing that in Korea right?"

Noxious stopped speaking momentarily, and he tilted his head over his right shoulder as he looked at Archer.

"Really? Who was there, what were they doing?"

"Paladin, Alexon, Messiah, Jingks, Omega, and a few others were there. They pulled up the footage from the camera in your glasses, and they were all banging the tables while laughing their asses off as they watched the footage."

"How much did they see?" Noxious asked.

"Everything, they saw everything--"

"Did they hear everything?"

Archer nodded his head up and down.

"They heard everything, everything that came out of your mouth and the mouths of the girls."

Noxious had a blank look on his face, as he was thinking back to everything that he did while he was in the red light district. How he visited almost every single window there, how loud both he and the girls were. Back at the front of the group, Ashley was still talking to Paladin.

"You know you promised me right, that back in the Capital City we would visit the big theatre there? Like, you promised that you would go on a date with me to the place."

"I do recall...we were unable to do that obviously, when you were kidnapped by House Hades. Not only that, but the day after I had the scheduled duel with Captain Cassius."

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