Chapter 132: Bad/Angry Barles!

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In sync with each other, Noxious, Lady Diane, and Archer with their weapons held by their hands all charged forward, against the animals made of water. When Noxious landed on the ground after leaping forward, he slammed the black blade of Blackfire into the ground near some of the animals. Instantly, a radius of black fire with red tips sprang out from around him. Some of the Lions, bears, and serpents that were coming towards him immediately evaporated into water vapor. One of the bears then quickly rang up to behind Noxious, and then it stood up on its feet, then it roared at the side of Noxious. Noxious quickly then turned, and he slashed Blackfire's blade horizontally across the belly of the bear made of water. Instantly, the bear poofed into water. Causing water to rain down over Noxious, soaking his armor. When the bear disappeared, Noxious satisfied with himself held Blackfire over his right shoulder and behind his back.

"I'm fucking amazing."

Lady Diane, with her long steel bladed sword in her right hand slashed straight through the neck of one of the Serpents next to her, instantly causing it to poof out of existence. As she did so however, a sea monkey threw a large stone rock at her. The stone rock missing her face, however hitting her dead in the middle of her chestplate made of steel, causing a large bang sound. Lady Diane, annoyed with the money turned to look at it. She watched, as the monkey and his friends were laughing at her and pointing their fingers at her.

"You wanna play games huh? Fine! We'll play some games--"

Lady Diane then noticed, that as she was speaking a large shadow was expanding over her. She quickly turned around, and immediately she noticed a bear made of water with blue eyes standing over her. His sharp blue claws spread out, roaring as he was ready to maul Lady Diane to death. Before the bear made of water could do anything, Archer then leaped out of nowhere, straight towards the side of the bear. With the black blade of the King of Destruction, he ripped through the upper torso of the bear, causing its eyes to become wide. Lady Diane then watched, as the bear poofed, creating water to rain down on them. Lady Diane then turned to look at Archer.

"T-T-Thank you Archer--"

"Mordred, look the fuck out--"

Suddenly, one of the monkeys behind her then threw a stone rock straight for the back of her head. Immediately, causing her to be knocked out cold, and crashed face first onto the ground. On the other side of the room, Paladin, holding his left hand out casted a Golden Windshield. The golden windshield, was made completely out of golden winds, and was covering the entire area in front of Paladin, protecting everyone around him. In front of Paladin, Monkeys were throwing large stone rocks at the windshield, attempting to harm Paladin. However, every single time the rocks got close, it was then picked up by the golden winds and thrown back at the monkeys. The stone rock, knocking the monkey over who threw the rock while the others laughed and pointed at him. Standing off to the right side of Paladin, Alexon was looking at the ground, seemingly bothered by the situation that he was in. At the same time, Ashley was standing on the left side of Paladin. She was holding out her right hand, aiming it straight for the Monkeys.

"Snow Magic, Ice Crystal."

Suddenly, projecting from the out from the right hand of Ashley, a white snowflake was glowing and floating. Then suddenly, sharp crystals of ice shaped like spears flew straight through Paladin's golden winds. The ice crystals, boosted by the golden winds flew like a bullet straight for the monkeys. When the crystals penetrated the monkeys, instantly a hole in their bodies was left and water was drained out as they started to one by one poof out of existence.

"Good job Ashley!" Paladin exclaimed.

" was nothing, truly," Ashley replied, as she flipped her hair with her left hand.

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