Chapter 104: Finish the Fight!

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Charging forward at the Great Burning Minotaur together, Paladin, Omega, and Jingks were all rushing straight towards the Great Burning Minotaur. Paladin was rushing forward in the middle between the two of them, while Jingks was on Paladin's right and Omega on Paladin's left. Those who were not members of the Inquisition looked on in amazement, and some of them that were near the bottom of the Great Burning Minotaur started to run away from him.

"Members of the Royal Military, retreat--retreat! Let the Inquisition finish the fight!"

"Soldiers of House Athena, retreat to a safe distance! Do not get in the way of the Lord Inquisitor and the other Inquisitors of the Inquisition!"

As the soldiers were rushing back towards safety, the Inquisition charged in. Each of them still respectively encased in their colored blazing flames.

"Jingks, attack the Great Burning Minotaur and keep distracting it at its feet," Paladin said to Jingks, as he continued to look forward.

"Understood," Jingks said back to Paladin.


"What Paladin?"

"Rescue the soldiers who are currently injured on the battlefield, get them to safety and protect them from the orange flames that are bursting out from the nose of the Great Burning Minotaur like a flame thrower. Make sure that they all get to safety, so casualties are further minimized. Also...inform Archer that I want him to keep attacking from a distance."


The three Inquisitors then together jumped over a large pit together, and as they landed on the other side both Jingks and Omega separated from Paladin. Paladin looked up at the upper thighs of the Great Burning Minotaur, and watched as Noxious jumped back and forth between the upper thighs of the Great Burning Minotaur. Left and right, Noxious was cutting off flesh from the upper thighs, and was causing black blood to bleed out from the veins of the Great Burning Minotaur, black blood that was being sprayed onto the ground. Every single time the Black blood hit the ground, it hit the ground, making the sound of boiling water. The Great Burning Minotaur looked down at Paladin, and with an angry grin he made a fist out of his right hand and sent it flying straight for the Lord Inquisitor. However, it was immediately interrupted mid flight, when one of Archer's arrows hit one of the fingers of the Great Burning Minotaur and exploded in a flurry of black flames, separating the index finger of the Great Burning Minotaur from the rest of the hand. Paladin turned towards his left and he looked at Archer, who brought his bow down and looked at him.

"What the fuck are you doing Paladin! Get the fuck up there and do some fucking damage to that fucking monster!"

Paladin smirked, and he tipped his hat to Archer in response to what Archer said.

"Will do--"

Suddenly, Paladin turned to look back at the Great Burning Minotaur, who roared out in intense pain as he held onto his left hand with his right hand. The Great Burning Minotaur was in pain, since one of his fingers was exploded off by the Inquisitor Archer.

"Curse you members of House Odin!"

The Great Burning Minotaur turned to look back at Paladin, and then suddenly he saw Paladin who jumped forward into the air and straight for him. Burst of wind following Paladin directly from behind as he flew straight for the face of the Great Burning Minotaur, he was holding his long steel bladed sword pointed straight for the eyes.

"I won't let you defeat me that easily!"

With the Great Burning Minotaurs right hand, he quickly attempted to swat Paladin like a flying ant back towards the ground. However, unlike a flying ant, Paladin was able to see the hand coming for him, and midair he adjusted his speed just enough to avoid the hand of the Great Burning Minotaur. Slightly pushing him back. However, instead of his sword piercing the face of the Great Burning Minotaur, it instead pierced the black arm. Paladin quickly pulled the long steel bladed sword out from the side of the arm, and black blood quickly started to drain out like a waterfall. Paladin then turned and quickly started to run up the black arm of the Great Burning Minotaur. The Great Burning Minotaur, in disbelief turned his head to look at Paladin, whom was running straight for his face.

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