Week 8

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I love reading your comments but please keep them respectful. I may not be able to reply but my notifications are on and I still see them, especially when I'm writing.
Please keep in mind that I'm a person with feelings too.

Love you💜


💜Happy Birthday, Jungkook! 💜
Sorry, you're about to suffer in this chapter a little bit...


That week, Jungkook learned just how painful the silent treatment could be.

He could handle being yelled at. Yeah, it sucked. Yeah, it hurt. But at least he would know how the other person felt. At least the anger and tension would be released and he could try to make amends.

Hyun-Ji, however, said absolutely nothing. She didn't have to. That day her face told him everything.

She had snatched her notebooks from his hands and darted out of the classroom, tears running down her crimson cheeks. Jungkook had followed behind her, calling out to her, but she ignored him and ran into the girls' bathroom. Taehyung's angry baritone could be heard behind him, threatening the assholes that had started this mess.

Taehyung was a loyal lion with a short fuse.

Jungkook put his hands on his hips and let out a hard sigh in frustration. She wasn't coming out of the bathroom. He just wanted to explain what he said. He didn't mean for it to come out like that. This was an awful, terrible misunderstanding.

"Yah!" Taehyung stomped down the hallway towards Jungkook. He was on fire. "What the fuck was that?!"

"I-I don't know! It just came out! I didn't mean it like that! Hyung, please!" Jungkook pleaded, holding his hands up defensively.

Taehyung took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. Jungkook's large brown eyes resembled a frightened baby deer's. It was super effective in disarming him. "Where is Hyun-Ji?" he said more calmly.

"She won't come out of the bathroom." He gestured towards the closed door. Beyond it, he could hear the sound of her getting sick.

Taehyung looked sympathetically towards the bathroom door and shook his head. "Just give her some space for now," he said.

"But I..." Jungkook trailed off, looked deflated. He just wanted to clear up this mess.

That was over a week ago.

He tried to call her but it went straight to her voicemail. She lefts his texts on read. Naturally, she didn't show at the cafe for the second week in a row. Like a lost puppy, he waited there for her for over an hour, knowing that she wouldn't come, but hoping she did.

She didn't come to statistics class for two days. On the third day, she picked up a packet of her required assignments from the instructor, then immediately left. Even then she never made eye contact with him. She wasn't there for the rest of the week.

His stomach felt hollow whenever he thought of her, which was often. He just wanted to apologize. Even if she really didn't want to be friends anymore, he at least wanted to apologize. She deserved that much.

Jungkook turned his head towards his bedroom window. Outside the sky was painted beautifully in hues of gold, red, and purple as the sun made its descent.

What was she doing right now? Was she well? She had been so sick but he never got the chance to check on her, to see how she was fairing. She refused to respond.

Against better judgment, he opened his phone and navigated to their text thread. His messages to her were still on read, yet he typed a new message anyway.


JK: (I understand if you never want to talk to me again. I probably wouldn't talk to me either if I were you. Please know that I'm so sorry for what I said. I'm sorry for being a bad friend to you.

I hope you are feeling better. Please let me know if you are.)

Hyun-Ji was absolutely not feeling better.

Handling a warm cup of her own urine made her mouth flood with saliva, signaling the start of another wave of nausea. Taking another look at the crinkled instruction sheet, she dipped the thick test strip into the liquid as directed. Then she recapped the test and sat it on the sink. Sitting down on the edge of the tub, she set a timer on her phone.

Four minutes. Four minutes of torture that she would have to endure before her fears would be confirmed. She stared at the blinking hourglass on the test kit's display screen, feeling it mocking her for her stupidity.

Why had she had sex with him? Why had she agreed to his proposition? Why? Fucking why?!

Because you felt rebellious. You felt like you could finally make a choice that mom and dad couldn't influence. Because you equated sex with love. Because you wanted to pretend someone loved you and wanted to make love to you.

Hyun-Ji squeezed her eyes shut, unable to stop the barrage of reasons her brain threw at her.

Because he was the only one not revolted by your face. Because you actually like him as more than a friend. Because you wanted to pretend he felt the same.

Hot tears burned her skin as they ran down her face. The voice in her head became louder and louder, making her cover her ears to no avail.  The floodgates had opened and now she had to face everything she had been trying to suppress for weeks.

You did it because you wanted to. He didn't hold you down and force you, you consented. Enthusiastically! You wanted to know if it was like you imagined. You wanted to know if he was like you imagined. You sat there and said 'let's not be weird around each other afterward' when you had caught feelings from the beginning.

The happiest fucking chime ever sliced through her mental anguish. She quickly silenced her phone with trembling hands, almost dropping it onto the hard tile in the process.

Hyun-Ji swallowed hard and reached out a shaky hand, grabbing the test. She closed her eyes and prayed to the universe that this was just a false alarm, that she was suddenly like other girls that sometimes missed their periods randomly because of stress. Deep down she knew her prayers were falling on deaf ears. The universe had already decided her fate.

One word, spelled out in black digital letters, greeted her.


All the air left her body, along with the contents of her stomach.

✔️ 40 Weeks [Book 1] | Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now