Week 33 - Part 4

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Please keep in mind that I'm a person with feelings too.

Love you💜


The hour-long flight home stretched on for an eternity. His phone was useless at 35,000 feet but he looked down at it anyway, as if it would magically change his reality.

What had he done?

Hyun-Ji wouldn't take his calls. She wouldn't even take Taehyung's calls. His mother had called that morning asking him what happened, what had made Hyun-Ji turn inconsolable, what was said or done that kept her awake all night and violently ill?

For the life of him, he couldn't tell her.

The events of the previous night were a blur at best, with the clearest memories being when they first arrived at the party and when he woke up that morning. Trying to recollect what happened in between was like trying to grab puffs of smoke with his hand, and the parts that Taehyung and Jimin knew were so awful that he wished he had never set foot in that party. He just wanted to go home the entire time.

Most of the trip back from the airport was made in silence, broken only by hard sighs and somber apologies.

Taehyung stopped the car in front of Jungkook's house, parking behind Areum's. He turned to him with an empathetic look.

"I'm here if you need me," Taehyung said.

Jungkook merely nodded as he exited the car.

He looked at the open front door to his home, his eyebrows drawing together and his blood running cold in his veins as Hyun-Ji's mother appeared carrying a box with her.

"M-mom," he stammered. "What's going on?"

Areum looked up at him, her eyes filled with sadness. Her mouth pressed into a straight line before she continued to her car without a word.

His father was the next person to come outside. Jungseok quickly approached his son, ushering him down the street and away from the house.

"Dad, what's going on? Where's Hyun-Ji?"

"What happened yesterday, Jungkook?"

"I don't know. Jimin said he thinks I had some drug in my-"

"You took drugs?!"

"I didn't take drugs, I was drugged!"

"How did that even happen?"

"I don't know. I don't remember anything. Dad, where's Hyun-Ji? I need to see her. Please."

Jungseok looked away, hesitant and unsure about how to proceed.

"Dad!" He pleaded, his voice cracking. "What are you not telling me? Is she ok?"

Jungseok looked at his son's distraught face and heaved a heavy sigh. "Hyun-Ji... she asked that we keep you separated."

✔️ 40 Weeks [Book 1] | Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now