Week 18

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I love reading your comments but please keep them respectful. I may not be able to reply but my notifications are on and I still see them, especially when I'm writing.
Please keep in mind that I'm a person with feelings too.

Love you💜


Jungkook inhaled sharply as he rolled over. After blindly swatting and knocking it to the floor, he finally grabbed his ringing cell phone. Brow furrowed, he cracked a blurry eye open to see who would be calling at this time of night.

Morning. This time of morning.

"Hyun-Ji? Are you ok?" His voice was husky, groggy.

"Yeah... I'm ok."

He let out a sigh of relief and took the phone away from his ear to check the time. "What are you doing up? You should be sleeping." It was 3:46 am.

"I keep having weird dreams and now I can't sleep anymore," she whined.

Jungkook chuckled. "Nightmares?"

"Not really. Just... really weird dreams."

He rubbed his sleepy eyes and propped himself up on his pillows. Might as well get comfortable since he was now a captive audience. "Tell me."

Hyun-Ji stifled a giggle. "Ok, so in this one dream I dreamt I was standing around somewhere, I don't know where but I was just standing like I was waiting for something, and then I opened my stomach like it was a kangaroo pouch, I kissed the baby, then stuck it back in my stomach."

Jungkook laughed quietly, afraid to awaken the rest of the house. "What the hell did you eat before you went to sleep to have a dream like that?"

"I just had some fruit!" She laughed. "I was so happy in the dream too! It was as if what I did was completely normal. I kissed the baby, smiled at it, and just stuck it back in my stomach and felt all warm and fuzzy afterward! What does that mean?"

"Don't ask me," he said, struggling to control his laughter.

"Ok ok, I had another one," she began, trying to compose herself but failing miserably. "I had another dream where I was in labor, right? And I pushed and pushed and I pushed out a kitten, and Dr. Kim looked at it, and then he looked at me, and he just shrugged and said, 'You didn't do anything wrong, this just happens sometimes. It'll be normal next time.' "

By this time Jungkook had his face in the pillow trying to quiet his laughter. "What the fu-"

"Wait wait wait! So I look at you, and you looked so proud of the cat baby and you stand up to hold it and then I notice you have this long, bushy tail! Like, how the hell did I miss that?! How did I not know that you were a friggin cat?! And then you mewed at the baby and then I woke up."

"I promise you I'm not a cat," he laughed.

"Ok, good," she giggled. "It's ok if you are. I'm not cat shaming you or anything. I like cats. Some of my best friends are cats."

Jungkook couldn't contain his smile at the sound of her laughter. It was like birdsong, and as bright as a field of wildflowers in summer. "I see why you're wide awake now. Any other dreams you want to share?"

Hyun-Ji quieted and then cleared her throat. "...No?"

Her lie was glaringly obvious. "Tell me."

"Um... I had another one but I don't know if I should share." she suddenly sounded bashful, and his curiosity was piqued. 

"What was it about?"

✔️ 40 Weeks [Book 1] | Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now