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Aaliyah - March 18th, 2019
Paris, France
Needin' me, wantin' me, givin' me a chance to feel special
To somebody in a world where they not lovin' me

I turned down the baby monitor that was clipped on the waist band of my yoga pants. I paused my cleaning and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear as I rushed upstairs.

"Alright mama I'm here." I picked Rayne up out of her crib and started rocking her in my arms calming her cry's.

She stuck her tongue out at me and I smiled knowing she was probably hungry. I sat in the rocking chair in her nursery and placed a towel over my shoulder. I pulled down my shirt and she latched onto my left breast.

"I love you so much." I smiled and rubbed her hair on her head.

I heard a knock on the door and seen my doula and my nanny in the doorway.

"Hey y'all good morning." I smiled as they walked in the room.

"This her first feeding today?" My doula asked.

"Yeah she just woke up." I said.

Nobody knew about my pregnancy.


The only person who knew besides me are the people in this room and D'angelo. I was embarrassed and I knew my family and friends will be disappointed and confused on why I didn't tell them. Especially my mom and Ian.

"Y'all I need to talk." I said as they took a seat on the little couch I had in her nursery.

"I think I'm ready to tell everybody about Rayne but I'm scared. I want them to see her before mile stones are reached and I owe them that." I said.

"So they didn't know you were pregnant before you left?" Linda, my nanny asked and I shook my head.

"My mom didn't want me being a young mother and she wanted me to be married before kids. I didn't know things would end up like this with him. And I usually tell my friends everything but this..I just couldn't."

"If they really love you I think they'll understand. They'll be hurt of course but they'll love you and babydoll no matter what." My doula said.

"I really hope so it's been hard trying to keep this from them. They've asked to visit so many times and I told them I wasn't quiet set up yet. I'm surprised they believed me and stayed away honestly." I shook my head.

"Well how about you call them now and plan a visit?" My nanny smiled.

"Right now? I don't know I'm not sure if-"

"Nope here come on you got this." She smiled and handed me my cellphone.

I tapped on my moms contact and put it on speaker as it rung.

"Hey you must've heard me talking about you?" My mom chuckled.

"Hey mommy, who were you talking about me with?" I asked laughing.

"Raven and Ian, I'm over here visiting and they still keep trying to get me to move out here. Anyways what's up I haven't heard from you in a while? How's school and work?" She asked.

"Uh everything is good I'm actually glad you're with Raven and Ian right now. Can you put the phone on speaker I have something I want to say to you guys." I cleared my throat.

"Okay we're ready."

"So I know you guys have been wanting to see me for a while and I've finally gotten settled in. I want you guys to come visit me when you're available."

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