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Carti - A week later
I've been staying with Aaliyah while she went through her withdrawals and it hasn't been the easiest thing. Watching her go through this really fucked me up because it was nothing I could do. I really wish she didn't even pick up those pills but I knew she felt like she had no other option. I knew out of all things this would be a learning experience just like it was for me.

I walked up the stairs carrying some water, tea, toast, fruit, and her medicine. She hadn't been sleeping or eating much but today was the first time she slept through the night. I walked through the doorway and sat the things down and then sat on the edge of the bed.

"Li.." I shook her a little bit and she took a deep breath through her nose.

"I got some food and your medicine for you." I told her as her eyes fluttered open.

"Mhmm." She closed her eyes and rolled on her stomach.

"Come on baby you gotta get up." I said smiling.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes wrapping the blankets tighter around her.

"Thank you baby." She grabbed the glass of water and medicine from me.

After taking her medicine she grabbed the fruit and her tea taking a few bites before sitting it back down.

"How you feeling today?" I rubbed her legs.

"Eh better than yesterday I'm glad I actually slept. I just want this shit to be over with honestly." She leaned back.

"By tomorrow you should feel even better it's already been a week." I pecked her cheek.

"I just need to be one hundred percent healthy by the wedding. I have a fitting tomorrow for my bridesmaids dress. Also Jeilani is having a surprise dinner for Drew tomorrow night."

"Do you think you'll be able to do all that tomorrow?" I asked.

"I'm going to do as much as I can today to make that possible." She slightly smiled while sipping her tea.

"So Drew and Jeilani are back on good terms?"

"Yeah as far as I know they worked things out. It's her birthday tomorrow so I think she'll appreciate the dinner." She said and I nodded.

"You need some more groceries and some other stuff so I'ma run to the store real quick. If you need me call me." I stood up.

"Wait come here." She said in a soft voice with a smile of her face.

I walked back toward her and she pulled my face toward her kissing me. She pulled away and held my face smiling at me.

"I love you so much and I'm so thankful for you Jordan." She smiled.

"I love you too mama." I smiled.

"Can you just lay with me now and get the groceries later?" She smiled.

"If I get them now it'll give me more time to lay up witchu later." I smiled.

"Okay fine." She pulled away.

"Is there anything you can think of right now you need me to grab?" I asked.

"No but if I think of something I'll text you." She smiled.

"Alright I'll be back." I kissed her on her cheek and walked out.

"Okay be safe and wear that damn seatbelt." She shouted.

"I gotchu!" I shouted back laughing.
While Carti was out I decided to shower which made me feel better. I adjusted Rayne in her high chair and put some snacks on her tray. While that kept her occupied I started sweeping the kitchen. My phone started ringing and I picked it up.

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