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Aaliyah - A week later
Carti was still in the hospital after being taken from ICU and put in a different unit of the hospital. After the day that his parents and I seen him shit got a lot worse for him. He was in more pain and because of that he was still on a breathing tube. He was having problems with his blood pressure so he was on medication for that and had multiple IV's in his arms.

It's been a week and the doctor said that he was improving thankfully. She explained that all of this started to happen because the anesthesia and the strong meds they had him on during surgery wore off.

Seeing him in pain and not being able to do anything made me so so sad. He's been there for me though so many things. Played doctor, therapist and everything under the sun for me. He was in a low place and a very vulnerable place and I couldn't do anything for him.

Stressed really wasn't even the word for how I felt right now. I was so overwhelmed with what was going on with Carti, trying to find a home, working, dealing with this robbery situation and Jason's ass. Jason and I's court hearing was this afternoon and I really wasn't looking forward to it.

After the hearing I was going right to see Carti and I really wished he could just come home. I truly just wanted to come home after this shit and shower and lay up with Carti. I knew even if he was home that wouldn't be completely possible anyways. When he gets out he'll need lots of care and aid and would still need physical therapy.

Since he will be staying with me when he gets out I have to talk to the doctors today about what to expect when he comes home.
Jason and I were sworn in and we sat next to our lawyers waiting for the judge. I was ready for this whole thing to be over and done with. I didn't even understand why Jason and I had to have this type of relationship anyway.

"All rise." The bailiff said and we stood up.

The judge walked in and smiled before telling us to take a seat. She had a folder of paperwork she opened and put her glasses on.

"So I understand we're here today to discuss custody and visitation. From what I've read the defendant here has not been coming to his visitation meetings is that correct?" She asked looking at me.

"That's correct your honor." I nodded.

"Okay would you like to tell me why that is?" She looked at Jason.

"I currently live in New York and I work a lot too I know that's no good excuse though." He explained and I rolled my tongue in my cheek.

"You're correct Mr. Torres, it says here that you've only seen your daughter twice in three months?" She asked.

"Yes your honor." He looked down.

"So can I ask you why you didn't ask to get the schedule redone so you could see your daughter more?" She questioned.

"I don't know your honor." He said.

"I understand, Ms. Foster can you tell me what has gone on in these last three months and since this schedule for him has been set up." The judge asked taking her glasses off.

"When he first got out of jail everything was fine he went to parenting classes and he was meeting with her. He would call and tell me when he wasn't going to able to make the visitation as well. He started getting back into work and he moved to New York to stay with his other child and his child's mother. After that everything went downhill and he hadn't seen her in those months we're discussing." I explained.

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