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Aaliyah - A few weeks later
I stood in the new house and watched the movers bring in boxes and furniture placing them in its designated area. Ivy, Drew and Raven were coming over to help unpack and help me clean up a little bit. I told Raven she didn't have to with her being pregnant but she insisted on helping.

Rayne was with Jason for a few days and surprisingly he's been on top of his game. He hasn't missed any visits and he's even come to the doctors appointments he could come to. We hadn't argued in a long time and I honestly was happy things were turning around.

I was still on cloud nine from the trip and the proposal. I felt like a giddy little girl and I was just so happy. Everything was really on an all time high for me, for us and I was so thankful. After everything that has ever gone on for us we were just so blessed.

Carti was out in Atlanta and would be there for a few days. He was visiting his family and making sure everything was good at his house. He decided to keep the house and just have his parents move into it because of all the work he put into the house.

"Alright Aaliyah that's the last of the boxes. Did you need us to take any boxes upstairs or help you with anything else?" The head mover asked.

"No I'm all good my friends are coming to  help. Thank you guys so much I really appreciate all the help. Here's a tip split this between you four and get some lunch or something." I smiled handing him two hundred dollars.

"Thank you, you have a good one." He smiled.

"You too." I waved and let him out.
The alarm for the gate went off and I checked the monitor seeing Ivy and Ravens cars. I buzzed them in and went to the front door to let them in. They got out and Ivy and Drew hugged Raven and then made their way to the door.

"Aaliyah this place is beautiful as fuck." Drew smiled looking around.

"I know right I love it so much." I smiled.

"This house has y'all's names all over it." Ivy said walking in.

"We can have a little house tour before we start unpacking and stuff." I said hugging Raven.

"First of all this ring." Raven grabbed my hand smiling down at the ring.

"Girl I know right I'm so obsessed with it." I laughed.

"How many karats is it?" She asked.

"I think four or five I can't remember."

"Damn he wasn't playing." Ivy laughed.

"So are you guys doing an engagement party?" Drew asked.

"Yeah I really want to do the house warming and the engagement party on the same day. It wouldn't make sense to have two separate party's. I still have to talk to him about it but we still have all this shit to unpack." I led them into the living room.

"Oh wow y'all already got the living room pretty much set up." Ivy chimed.

"Yeah the movers just left like an hour ago and helped me set up. All that's really left to do is unpack, put stuff up, rearrange everything how I want it and clean." I sat down.

"Okay okay that's good, y'all still have to wait for Carti's stuff right?" Raven asked.

"Yeah that's why he's in Atlanta now getting the stuff packed up at his house. I'm supposed to be going to his condo this week to pack."

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