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I ended up meeting up with Jay and D'angelo at the prison but it did not go well at all. The first problem he had was because I didn't bring Rayne and after that it all went down hill. We ended up getting into a huge argument and I got escorted out. Everything I wanted to say I got off of my chest and it made him mad but I didn't care because he needed to hear it.

I pulled into Ian and Ravens driveway and slammed my door. I marched up the steps and rung the doorbell waiting for someone to answer. Raven answered with Rayne in her hands and Rayne started teaching our for me.

"Hi baby I missed you." I held her head placing kisses on her.

"Hey how did everything go?" Raven asked.

"Terrible I got escorted out." I followed her into the living room.

"Oh no what happened?" She asked sitting next to Ian.

"He's so fucking entitled and I've just had enough of his shit. I told him about himself and he didn't like it so we ended up arguing."

"It ain't easy being in there Aaliyah and maybe he's struggling. Y'all need to have a real conversation next time you talk to visit. I don't want you to think I'm switching up on you because you're my sister. At the end of the day I was in there and I know how that shit can be." Ian said.

I really wasn't even trying to hear any of what he was saying right now. I was pissed and I didn't want to take my anger out on the wrong person.

"Thank you for keeping Rayne a little longer I hope she wasn't any trouble. I'll talk to you guys later." I stood up.

I got Raynes bag and put her in her car seat strapping her in. I started walking out and I felt Ian following behind me.

"You good?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm okay." I opened the car door.

"Call me later if you feel like it and I'm always here for you." He said.

"Thanks." I said as he pulled me into a hug.

"Aye Rocky is having a pool party or some shit at his spot this weekend. He wanted me to extended the invite. He said feel free to bring any friends too."

"Tell him I said thanks and I'll think about it." I smiled getting inside my truck.

I pulled out of his driveway and he smiled and waved at me. I waved back and then pulled off down the street. I stopped at a red light and started getting lost in my thoughts.

Even though I wanted Jay to hear all of those things I just wish it didn't have to end that way. Sometimes I feel like people don't understand you or won't hear what you're saying unless you're angry and yelling.
I sat in the studio while Pierre made this beat and I smoked on my blunt. I checked my phone for what seemed like the hundredth time this hour. It was almost going on eight and I hadn't heard from Aaliyah since this morning.

I placed my blunt in the ashtray and picked up my phone calling Ian. He picked up on the fourth ring and it sounded like he was in a crowded place.

"Yo wassup?" He asked.

"Aye have you heard from Aaliyah?" I asked.

"Last time I heard from her was when she came and picked up Rayne."

"What time was that?" I asked.

"Like almost five why wassup?" He asked.

"I haven't heard from her this morning and when she left my house she wasn't in a good mood."

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